Cloud Encryption: Protection of Data in the Cloud Businesses

cloud security

There are plenty of unique benefits that come up for businesses with the use of cloud storage. If you use a cloud storage then you are already saving costs in ensuring regulatory compliance and backing up your data. But there are different types of cloud security risks that you need to be aware of which includes data leaking possibility, lacking control over critical aspects of the infrastructure, the risks that are associated with storage gateways and APIs. For ensuring that the data remains secure in transit and rest, there is the need for the establishment of cloud storage encryption.

Benefits of Cloud Storage for Businesses

While there are numerous reasons behind the idea of the organizations to move the data to the cloud which includes saving costs, improving the security, and gaining access to support. Here are some of the important reasons and the reasons related to it to protect data.

Save Costs with Cloud Storage:

When you move your data to the cloud then it provides access to maintenance, security measures, and access to support. These are not accessible with on-premise storage. If we give an example it would be that small businesses might not be able to afford security features that of an enterprise-grade or have the IT skills for the implementation of the features. More access controls, encryption, and robust monitoring are provided with the cloud services than what a business can afford on their own.

Backup for protection against Data Loss:

Using the cloud services for backup eliminates the different points of failure than can lead to data loss. It also ensures that a copy of the information is completely safe and it can be recovered whenever there is a need. So, the fear of attack on the system or damaging it gets resolved. There is also another reason behind it, and that is cloud computing services automatically take the back up of data across availability regions or zones.

Regulatory Compliance:

The significant experience that you get with the cloud services have data regulations that are common. In ensuring that you are in compliance, these regulations have a huge part. Compliance certifications, integrated auditing and monitoring, and service level agreements are some of the compliances that help in ensuring the security of your data.

Cloud Storage Security Risks

There are numerous security benefits that you get with cloud storage, but there comes some risks as well that you need to prepare for.

Data privacy and leakage

As cloud works on the internet, that makes it really accessible to the attackers for targeting. The data can get exposed to the outsiders if the combined access has misconfigured settings of security or access controls. Als, when the data is in the cloud then it can easily be shared than when it is with the on-premise setup. Therefore, the sharing of data needs to be restricted properly or They must upskill their skill with a CCSP Course to provide the best result-oriented solutions.

Loss of Control

While using the cloud services there is only partial control over the data and access of data to the user. The authentication and access controls can be set up easily. But this does not guarantee that the employees on the cloud are not misusing the access privileges or the proper security of that infrastructure.

Storage Gateways and APIs

The storage gateways and APIs of cloud services are used for the transfering to and from the cloud storage. They can easily be compromised if any of the gateways or APIs are insecure. That enables the attackers to eavesdrop on data, redirect data requests, upload malicious data or redirect data requests to malicious sources.

Cloud Storage Encryption

We all know that encryption is the process which enables you to hide the data using an algorithm. Only those with the right encryption key can decode the content, in other words only the ones with the permission can view the data. Generally, cloud storage services come with the encryption that has built-in mechanisms and methods of management for encryption keys. The data at-rest as well the one in-transit are covered in the built-in encryption. With this, there is the ensuring of protection of data during access of files or transferring and even when it is at rest in the storage.

There are some points that you need to keep in mind while using cloud encryption. The data in the cloud is as secure as the keys that are being used for encryption. If someone who has no permission to access the data, gets the key, even then they can read the data. There is the requirement of more processing power while encrypting data and working with encrypted data than when it is unencrypted. From this, you can deduce that depending on the service plan what you can encrypt can be limited. Also depending on the type of data the user has and the amount of it, encrypting data might not be cost effective. There it is better to encrypt the data before uploading it to the cloud.

Benefits of Cloud Encryption

There is no difference in the benefits of encrypting data whether it is in the cloud or the on-premises. Even if the data is leaked, compromised or shared illegitimately, the hackers cannot access the content of it with the ensuring of encryption. It can also help you keep the data safe from the employees, and also from the employees who have access to a particular section of the resources. Encryption of data is an essential part of data compliance measures as well.


The encryption of cloud storage is a critical element of cloud security, and that is why all the giant cloud vendors come up with built-in encryption for the majority of their offerings for cloud storage. Even if the data gets leaked or stolen, the encryption keeps it sage. Even if someone gets unauthorized access to the files they will need to hack the encryption to use the data. There are numerous encryption methods which can be used to encrypt storage volume, entire databases or the targeted data can be encrypted as well.  For ensuring your data protection, you need to establish the policies of encryption as part of a strategy for huge data loss prevention.