Magento Migration: Reasons to Support the Decision

Magento Migration: Reasons to Support the Decision
Magento Migration: Reasons to Support the Decision

Magento is one of the leading software companies used worldwide by online merchants. Due to the advancement of technology, Magento 1 had to be foregone to bring in a whole new level of technology with Magento 2. With that, Magento migration is all about upgrading your e-store on the same eCommerce platform. The process is done because Magento 1 phased out, and no support will be provided for it.

You may wonder why you must migrate your eCommerce store from Magento 1 to Magento 2, and here are the reasons.

Why Migrate

Discontinued Security, Support, Updates are the main reasons to migrate a store to Magento 2: Although now consolidated to Adobe, Magento will no longer provide technical support for Magento 1. It means that any online store that continues to operate on Magento 1 is vulnerable to all sorts of risks and tech problems. The merchants will have to ensure security for the online store, but it will be costlier and certainly ineffective.

The absence of support and ongoing updates will leave an online store exposed to hackers, malware, Trojans, and bugs. Another fact is that you won’t offer anything new to your customers, which will jeopardize your business operations. If you’ve got a better chance of running a business online, it’s time to take it up. Magento 2 is the future of any Magento store, and it’s ideal for all businesses, marketing and customer experiences. Get assistance from a Magento 2 Migration agency for uninterrupted business.

Now Magento 2

Magento 2 combines all functionalities of Magento 1 and stills offers remarkable extensions, security, and enhanced performance. It comes with a variety of new features that enhances the platform’s functionality. Also, a merchant needn’t worry about a slow website since the platform is supported by PHP 7.x, in-built image compression, varnish caching, minified JavaScript, and Elasticsearch support.

  • Security

Online security needs to be guaranteed for every e-store to ensure the customer experience. Magento 2 has a range of protocols to ensure your store’s security, and these include improved XSS prevention, flexible file system ownership and permissions, and strengthened hashing (SHA-256) for passwords.

  • Admin Interface

Unlike Magento 1, Magento 2 offers a more user-friendly and intuitive admin page navigation and makes it possible for more admins to work together. A merchant can also manage the store from anywhere using analytics, find buyer needs, and predict sales. When it comes to running the store your way, Magento 2 is a perfect solution.

  • Better SEO

Online stores now seek Magento 2 Development services that align with their business growth rather than Magento 1. With Magento 2, you are treated to a whole new range of tools like XML sitemap generation, rich snippet support, GTM integration etc.

Is It Worth?

Magento 2 is certainly worth everything, and a merchant won’t lose anything by letting go of Magento 1. If you need help in migrating to Magento 2 or have doubts about its functionality, please discuss with an experienced Magento 2 developer.