Mountain Biking Safety Tips From Expert Bikers


    Mountain biking adds variety to our lives and helps to break up the monotony of work and city life in general. As thrilling as it may sound, this is the most dangerous mode of motorcycling to date. It can cause severe damage, including brain trauma and even death!

    As a result, as mountain bikers, we should do everything we can to keep safe. Simply because you know the path well or believe you are a competent rider does not exempt you from following the safety precautions. We all do!

    We can all agree that mountain biking is a thrilling activity with certain risks. However, taking the proper measures and wearing the appropriate gear can keep us safe while still allowing us to enjoy the trip. Here are some safety recommendations from professional mountain bikers:

    Always put on a MIPS helmet

    Mountain riding without a helmet is akin to committing death. The worst-case scenario is serious brain damage, which might result in death or paralysis of a crucial organ. For various reasons, we strongly advise mountain bikers to use a MIPS helmet.

    MIPS helmets provide all of the same safety features as standard mountain bike helmets. Wearing a MIPS-equipped helmet, on the other hand, will keep your head safe by effectively distributing rotational force. For more information about MTB MIPS helmets, visit

    Bicycle Accessories

    Wearing the MIPS helmet alone reduces the risk of serious damage greatly. Other riding gears, however, should be considered for increased safety. Consider body armor, knee pads, elbow and arm pads, and other protective gear. These safety equipment will lessen the impact of the collision and raise your chances of surviving the fatal collision.

    Also, good quality Polygon bikes are one of the best choices you can get to do the mounting biking, as they handle berms and jumps extremely well.

    Gloves are recommended

    For a reason, we included a separate remark on wearing gloves. Wearing gloves improves your grip on the bike’s handlebars, which is important for maintaining control. Furthermore, in the winter, they will keep you warm and protect your hands if you fall.

    Safety Glasses

    You want to be able to see the route well and have your eyes shielded from dust, insects, and other debris. In a nutshell, a visual assistance is required to keep you safe. Mountain riding requires eye protection, which is why sunglasses are recommended. Choose your eyewear carefully. Check to see whether it has interchangeable lenses.

    Understand the Route

    You don’t want to be caught off guard around blind corners. It’s a good idea to familiarize yourself with the path you’re intending to ride. Instead of riding, walk through the dangerous areas. If this is your first time, be cool and consider your options. Never overextend yourself!

    Emergency/First Aid

    A small amount of first-aid knowledge can be the difference between life and death in the most crucial moments of injury. If you care about your life as a mountain biker, you must carry it with you. There are various brief first-aid courses available online.

    Bring along a modest first-aid kit. It may be carried in your backpack. You may even connect it to the frame of your bike if you believe it would slow you down!

    Examine Your Bicycle

    Check that your mountain bike or electric mountain bike is in good working order. You don’t want to put your life in danger by riding a bike that has been neglected. A comprehensive inspection helps guarantee that your bike is in good working order. The first step is to inspect the brakes. When the bike is in danger, can the brakes rapidly stop it?

    Check for any damaged or loose components, lubricate the chain, and inspect the tires. Try to notice and pay attention to any changes. Stop and see if you spot something. Sell or dispose of the bike if it is in poor shape. Purchase a new one.

    Do not exceed your skill limit

    It’s not the place to put your skills to the test. Always be aware of your limits and ride within them. When you get to a trail section, take a moment to consider. Listen to your pals who want to push you to your maximum. Get off your bike and walk if you’ve never done it before. Feel no remorse about being protected.

    Consider Hydration

    You must stay hydrated during the entire journey. When biking in the summer, everything becomes more important. Bring lots of water with you for the journey. Hydration packs, rather just water bottles, are now recommended. They allow for the transportation of more water than water bottles.

    These hydration packs are simple to attach to your bike frame. Make sure you’re properly hydrated before you begin riding.

    Carry Food like Water

    Your energy level does not drop in the midst of the ride. So bring plenty of high-protein meals or make sure you can get it along the way. You can’t do such physically demanding activities on an empty stomach. Flapjack and trail max are high-energy snacks that are also light. Carry them in your backpack if possible.

    Use GPS for Directions

    GPS trackers are being used by hikers as well as mountain bikers. And using GPS navigation when mountain riding makes perfect sense since you should always be prepared for the worst-case situation. If something horrible happens, your GPS tracker will aid rescuers in locating you.

    Common Sense

    In MTB activities, common sense is crucial to secure your safety. Apply common sense to what should be your proper attire, equipment, and so on along the voyage, from planning to completion. Because you may have to ride alone at points during the route, your common sense will be your best ally.

    Mountain biking is not recommended for the faint of heart. However, if you get overconfident, you may find yourself in dangerous situations. Don’t assume you’re safe because you’re a good rider. To stay safe, always follow the safety precautions listed above.