Seeing loved ones age isn’t always easy. We often wonder whether it’s time to consider our parents’ care options, but it can be difficult to know exactly when is the right time to make decisions.
However, there are some common signs that indicate it’s time to start thinking about your parents’ care.
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Being isolated isn’t good for anyone. Interacting with people keeps our brains active and satisfies our natural need for companionship, and many elderly people can lack this.
During the pandemic, isolation has been an inescapable reality for many elderly people, but if your parents are very isolated during normal times, it’s an early sign that you should be thinking about their living arrangements.
If your parent is struggling with isolation, then it could be worth looking at somewhere like Menomonee Falls senior living, where your parents can become part of the community.
Missing Appointments
It’s natural that our brains deteriorate to some extent over time, but even as we age and tone down our schedules, we still need to keep important appointments. If your parent is struggling to keep track of their schedule and missing key appointments, then it can be an early sign of dementia.
Alternatively, your loved one’s memory might be perfectly fine, but there could be an underlying reason as to why they’re missing appointments. Difficulties with everyday tasks such as getting dressed can cause people to withdraw from the outside world, impacting their enjoyment of life.
However, the right level of care can help your parent with these daily tasks and allow them to get some of their independence back.
Unexplained Bruises
If you’re consistently discovering bruises on your parent’s body, then it could be due to difficulties with their mobility.
Sometimes, elderly people won’t tell you when they have slips and trips because they don’t want to worry or inconvenience you, so they’re left with unexplained bruises on their arms and legs. Again, it’s normal to lose some mobility as we age; however, you can do lots of things to help make your parents safer in the house – unexplained bruises are a sign you should be looking at these steps.
Deteriorating Levels of Housekeeping
Keeping on top of the housekeeping is hard enough at the best of times, but when you’re struggling with your mobility and dexterity, it can become even more challenging.
If your parent is struggling on their own, then you might notice an incremental deterioration in the level of housekeeping. At first, it will be small things, but gradually it can develop into an environment that’s unfit to live in.
It’s not because of laziness or anything like this, but it’s easy for elderly people to struggle to keep up with the housekeeping and then become more reclusive because of embarrassment at the state of their house.
Lower Levels of Hygiene
Poor hygiene stems from the same issues as housekeeping. As tasks such as bathing become more difficult, elderly people are gradually less likely to engage in them, and this can lead to poor hygiene.
Once again, it’s not a deliberate decision, it’s simply that they struggle to do the jobs themselves, and they hide the problem for fear of embarrassment. This is a strong sign that you need to be thinking about your parent’s care, and getting someone in to provide care a few times a week can make a big difference.
Problems Standing Up/ Sitting Down
If your parent struggles to stand up or sit down, it can lead to a difficult situation where they eventually fall over and are unable to get up. When this does happen, it’s important they’ve got some kind of emergency device so they can reach an emergency contact.
Of course, if this continues to happen, then it’s probably time to start looking at getting a greater level of care for your parent. If they’re in an environment where people are always around, then this isn’t such a problem, and there’s always someone on call to help them out.
Financial Difficulties
Keeping track of finances isn’t easy, and it’s particularly difficult as you age. With all the modern technology and sophisticated scams, it’s important to make sure your parents have the help they need to deal with their finances.
Whether this means taking a more active role in their finances, helping to educate them yourself, or getting a professional to help them with their money, it can be a big weight off their shoulders.
General Confusion
Confusion is an early sign of Alzheimer’s and dementia, and it can be shown through frustration and anger. Getting your parents extra care can help them enjoy a more settled living environment, decreasing these moments of confusion and allowing them to be more relaxed in their living setting.