Ten Best Practices for Singapore Permanent Residents


If you are a Permanent Resident in Singapore, it is important to learn and understand the ten steps that must be followed during the application process. It is also critical to find out what documents are required and know how your application will be evaluated.

Apply for permanent residence in Singapore as early as possible. It is good to begin your application process before you have looked for a job in Singapore and have settled here. If you complete your application process before you have found a job, you should be able to apply without delays which will enable you to take up your residency as early as possible.

You must always complete your application form completely and accurately.. If there are any outstanding fees that the Ministry of Manpower (MOM) has not paid yet, it is essential to pay these outstanding fees before the MOM can process your application. If there are outstanding fees due, the processing of your application will be delayed until you pay these fees or until payment arrangements are made.

Ministry of Manpower (MOM)

Make sure that you supply all documents requested by the MOM. It is good to include the original documents with your application. In case of any document being missing, it is important for you to check for the original document with you in Singapore since these are usually sent with your application. Make sure that you have attached all required supporting documents and attach them with your application form as well as send it in a well-secured letter addressed to the MOM head office so they can process it without delays.

It is important to have a high quality translation of your translated translation if the document being submitted is not in English or they are not in English but have been translated into another language.

You must ensure that you supply self-certifying photographs of yourself. Make sure that the photograph being submitted is the same as shown on your application form, as there can be some discrepancies between the way you look and how you look in your photograph.

In case you are applying for your second or subsequent permanent residence, make sure that you supply all documents requested by the MOM no later than six months after your previous application has been approved.  In this case, it is good to have proof of the purchase deed (if applicable). If necessary, produce a letter from the land registrar stating that you have a right to own property in Singapore.

Is it Worth Applying for Singapore Permanent Resident Status

Some of you may be wondering whether it is worth applying for Singapore Permanent Resident status while others may think the application process is too expensive or not worth the trouble.

This post will outline the reasons why you might want to consider permanent resident status, as well as what factors might cause an individual to decide against this option. It will also include a list of other options that individuals have in Singapore if they are thinking about permanent residency and are unable or unwilling to apply for it.

The post concludes with information on how to go about the application process.

What are the advantages of permanent residency in Singapore?

  One of the biggest advantages of Singapore Permanent Resident status is that it allows you to work and live in Singapore without being dependent on your parents or another relative (for sponsorship). You also won’t be required to live with your sponsor or his family, so you can choose your own living arrangements. Benefits: The most obvious benefit of permanent residentship is that they are not dependent on their parents or other relative to sponsor them for a Permanent Resident status. This means that if a person’s parents pass away, he/she can continue living in Singapore. Another major benefit of Singapore Permanent Resident status is the ability to work in Singapore after 5 years. This also means that one can work in Singapore even if he/she is not a graduate or a professional with a degree.

 Job Opportunities:

Permanent Residents are allowed to engage in any kind of employment in Singapore.  This includes jobs that require professional skills, as well as jobs that do not require any special education.  For example, there are several vacancies for the position of a cleaner, cashier and cook in Singapore.  One can even work as a tour guide, event manager or beauty consultant. People from other countries who are studying or working here will have to depend on their parents to support them financially during the period they spend in the country. However, Singapore Permanent Residents do not have the same living arrangements as the non-residents they are related to. This means that they have more freedom to choose where they want to live and there are no restrictions on which areas of Singapore they can reside or work in. Benefits: Another advantage of being a permanent resident is that it will allow you to vote in elections and run for office without having any close family members in Singapore that can sponsor them for a PPR status. Someone who is a permanent resident will be given Singaporean nationality via his/her national or citizenship status when he/she reaches 21 years old. This means that he or she will acquire dual nationality (Singaporean and the country’s).