Vape voyage: how to travel with your vape

Vape voyage

Travel is finally back on the menu for us Aussies, with many of us making plans for local and international travel in the coming months. However, it is important to be travelwise when it comes to travelling with your vape.

So grab your SMOK Novo 2 – or whatever vape kit you roll with – and let’s get set for an awesome time overseas with our vapes in-hand!

Must-take supplies

Batteries & cartridges

You don’t want to be caught out without batteries and cartridges. You should always take two or three batteries, with one ready to use and the other charged up in case you experience a dead battery on your journey.

E-liquid kit

You’ll want to have your assembled kit ready in a little bag containing some quality e-liquids. You might not be able to find the right e-liquid for you when on your voyage so you might want to take a few bottles of your favourite just to be sure. There are many delicious flavours out there, but be sure to take the ones that you really love, just in case!

Air travel rules

Airlines generally allow people to take their vapes with them on board the airplane, but it’s also important to check with the airline beforehand. Once again, you can typically take your e-juice with you onto the aeroplane but you will have to present it in a clear plastic bag as well as your other liquids before take-off.

The rules surrounding vape packing differs from airline to airline, so always double-check on the airline’s website or with staff prior to boarding.

Can I put my vape in checked luggage?

Vapes must be carried in hand luggage on Australian flights. This is because the vape’s batteries cannot be left in checked luggage where they can potentially overheat and even start a fire.

Can I charge my vape on the flight?

It is prohibited by Australian law to charge your vaporiser on the flight. For this reason, we recommend taking multiple batteries with you to ensure you don’t have to charge your vape on the flight and risk getting in trouble.

Can you vape on the flight?

Vaping is strictly prohibited on airplanes.

Can you carry/vape in airports?

You can carry your vaporiser around any part of the airport. However, vaporisers are considered a form of smoking and can only be vaped in the designated smoking areas.

Where can you vape?

Most hospitals, pubs, restaurants, bus or train stations, government buildings etc. have rules prohibiting vaping within their buildings. Though vaporisers don’t produce smoke, it is still difficult for staff in these buildings to tell the difference between cigarette smoke and vapor, and for this reason they are typically prohibited in many buildings.

Numerous countries around the world have banned vape sales and may seize your vape kit and supplies at their airport depending on certain restrictions about the airline and airport. These countries include Singapore, Thailand, Austria, Indonesia, Venezuela, Turkey, Argentina, Panama and Malaysia.

As you can see, vaping is still making progress as an accepted alternative to smoking on a global scale. For this reason, it is important to be travelwise when it comes to packing and vaping when overseas.
You don’t want to find yourself getting in trouble with the authorities for doing the wrong thing with your vape, so make sure you follow the guidelines on what is and what is not acceptable with your kit!