What Expenses Can I Claim for Following a Car Accident?

Horst Shewmaker

If you have sustained injuries after being involved in a car accident, there are several types of damages that you may be able to claim for in a personal injury lawsuit. Medical expenses claims tend to be the most common; however, you may also be able to claim for any other financial damages that you have suffered such as a loss of wages, pain and suffering, or loss of a marriage or relationship.

Medical Expenses:

If you are in a car accident, injuries can range from minor such as cuts and bruises to more serious, such as traumatic brain injuries, paralysis, and other permanent disabilities. Since some injuries may not produce symptoms immediately after being involved in a collision on the road, it’s important to make sure that you seek medical attention immediately following a car accident regardless of whether or not you are in any pain. Some medical expenses that may be incurred after a car accident include ambulance fees, consultations with medical professionals, physical and/or cognitive therapy, medical accessories, in-home services, disfigurement or permanent disability. You may also be able to get compensation to cover likely future costs if your doctor believes that you will need additional future medical treatments at the time that your claim is settled. Horst Shewmaker can help ensure that you receive the best compensation possible to cover medical expenses that have arisen as the result of a crash.

Loss of Income:

After being involved in an accident, your injuries might have an impact on your ability to earn money. This could be due to time spent in hospital, issues with mobility that are a result of the injury, time off work for treatments and therapy sessions, or any other factors that would prevent you from earning money as you normally would. You may be entitled to compensation for a loss of income if you are able to prove that the injuries you have sustained have diminished or impaired your ability to earn money in the present and future compared to before the accident.

Pain and Suffering:

The legal definition of pain and suffering is any physical or mental distress that one may seek damages for in a lawsuit. These damages are typically determined based on the type of injury that you have suffered, the pain severity, and the outlook for future pain associated with the injury or accident. It also includes any mental or emotional damage that is a direct result of the accident such as post-traumatic stress disorder or anxiety and stress that impacts the claimant’s quality of life. However, it is important to note that damages for pain and suffering are not awarded in the same way in every state; some allow the jury to assume that there will always be pain and suffering present with any type of bodily injury,but others require the victim to be conscious for a certain period during the injury for this claim to be made.

Loss of Companionship or Affection:

In some cases, if you are married, being injured in a car accident could make it difficult or impossible for you and your spouse to show each other affection, including sexual activity. In legal terms, this is referred to as a loss of consortium. Unlike the other damages that you can claim for after being involved in a car accident, these damages are claimed by the spouse who is not injured. However, if you do not recover any damages for your injuries, these damages can also not be recovered. A surviving spouse or family member can also claim for a loss of companionship and society if a spouse or relative dies as the result of a car accident. The jury will consider the length of the relationship with the plaintiff, their living arrangements, and the impact of the death on the spouse and/or relatives.

Damage to Property:

As standard, you should be able to make a claim for damage to your property if your vehicle is damaged as the result of a car accident. Most motorists will be able to do this easily thorough their auto insurance company and it is often more straightforward compared to making a claim for an injury or for the death of a relative after a crash. To make sure that your claim is processed quickly and fairly, it is a good idea to get as many photographs of your vehicle as possible at the scene after the accident so that you can clearly show the damage. Your auto insurance company may require you to send your vehicle to a partnered auto repair shop where the damage can be further assessed, and the cost of repairs or replacement valued.

Being involved in a car accident can be very expensive, from vehicle repairs to medical fees to losing your future income. If you have been involved in a car accident, you could get compensation for any expenses and other financial, personal, and emotional damages you have suffered.