How Internet Technology Is Effecting Humans.

Internet Technology

Internet technology and innovations have evolved at an astonishing rate over the past few decades. Smartphones, computers, the internet, robotic machines, cloud computing, and hundreds of other inventions are changing every aspect of our lives.

The way of communication, business dealing, government, travel, marketing, and even agriculture has changed. But what about our brain and lifestyle? Are all these new technologies changing us from the inside? Many people think so, including professional psychologists.

Let’s know how Internet technology is affecting the human lifestyle.

Internet Technology Effects The Humans

1. Making decisions

You need to buy a new smartphone. What do you do first? If you are like millions of changing people, you will use the Internet and go to online forums like Quora and Reddit and other blogs for your smartphone research.

In fact, no matter what thing you need, what decision you have to make. Whether you’re trying to figure out how to get a discount, best alternatives to this smartphone, etc, you can turn to the internet for advice as we all know the Internet is an infinite source of Info.

This means that we, no longer have to rely on gut instinct alone, but can instead gather facts and knowledge in an effort to make informed decisions. Thus we humans always use the Internet to make any decision, isn’t it?

2. Relationships

It is expected by the researchers that 2.9 billion people will be on social media by the year 2025. Combine that with personal messages sent via both traditional SMS and messaging apps, and we’re revolutionizing the way to build and maintain relationships online.

But is this good or bad? If we are having dinner with friends and at the same time texting with a family member in the U.S and discussing events in Japan with acquaintances, are we fully involved in any of those relationships?

On the other hand, doesn’t have any capability to stay connected with friends and family around the world support relationships that might otherwise end?. Many people believe that the internet is very good for our relationships, but in fact, it is not that much fine and effective.

But it remains to be seen whether our small kids who grow up with smartphones develop the interpersonal and relationship-building skills they need to form deep and meaningful relationships. Or whether our upcoming generation will be isolated from close personal contacts and feel discomfort from them.

3. Memory

The Internet is a kind of boon because it gives us access to a wealth of information. And our personal computers can store any data in big sizes. Even it is important documents, educational videos, every shopping list, and random thoughts we have, allowing us to access the information when we need it later.

New research has shown that this pervasive access to a lot of online knowledge has changed not only what we remember, but how we remember. Our dependence on the Internet technology has reduced our both ability and capability to remember the facts. However, we seem to be improving our ability to memorize where and how to find information.

For example, now we are more likely to remember in which folder or file we stored that particular information than to remember the information itself, isn’t? think about it. Likewise, when we face a question about a fact. That we are more likely to remember the search queries and blog name that helped us find answers to similar questions instead of the facts themselves.

4. Children Skills

Do you believe that the knowledge and social skills of today’s children are developing are they more advanced users of technology? well, not. in fact, the children are guided by the buttons and the screens of computers and smartphones.

The truth is that, firstly, they are dealing with a device that is very easy to use. And secondly, a computer (TV, telephone, etc.) takes 90% of their time. In one experiment, 100 children tried to live for 8 hours without any means of communication. Only three out of 100 are coped with the task.

Of course, such a habit doesn’t make them smarter. Touching the touchscreen does not develop motor and physical skills. This requires small movements (for example, to draw a letter, there is a need to activate many muscles and neurons in the brain). The games of devices do not contribute to the play of the imagination.

The ability to restart the computer and unlocking smartphones at any complexity does not develop an inquiring brain that looks to “get to the base in all things.

The technical gadget must be as user-friendly as possible, that is, extremely simple and accessible to use. Does this help the kid grow up smart?. Robots take away from a person “that mental work that he must do himself in order to maintain and develop mental strength,” says, mind specialist.

That is the reason the additional time a kid spends in front of the TV, at a computer, or gaming. The later he will learn to read and the worse it will be to memorize texts. Moreover, the process of mastering speech and other important social skills becomes much more complicated.

Related: Technological Latest Trend in a Education Sector

5. Personal Privacy

The rise of global communications, huge tech-enabled corporations, and big data raise tough questions about privacy and personal. Information such as name, ID, telephone number, address, etc, or even to images, videos, email, geolocation, or any other data that allows the identification of a user on the network.

It is not limited to the use of online web pages or social networks. But also refers to the transmission of data through online stores, applications, instant messaging services, etc.

Speaking more of specific terms and practices, these would be some of the main risks of digital privacy like Phishing, which consists of fraudulently obtaining confidential information.

A massive reception e-mail spamming. Cyberbullying or virtual harassment consists of the use of the internet or social networks to threaten, harass or blackmail a person.

Even sometimes the condition becomes worse. So, It becomes very important to keep care of us while Internet technology especially among the newbie and children. Ensuring personal data is a must in today’s Internet technology. Technologies are tools. They offer opportunities and risks. What we do with them, as always, is upto us.


Taking into account all of the above. We can conclude that the Internet and digital technologies can affect our physical and psychological and can harm personal development to a greater extent than we expected.

Modern life is practically impossible without the use of the Internet, smartphones, and computers. And even if something suddenly breaks down, here you will help to repair computers. The technology is used by us, so the responsibility lies in our hands only.