DIY Your Own Cosmetic Brand


With literally thousands of products at our fingertips, it is a bit of a mystery why we choose the products that we choose. Cosmetics is one of the many industries that have been revolutionized over the last century.

 People are now more interested in the brand of the product rather than the quality of the product. One can give credit to these brands’ fame and recognition due to their impressive custom cosmetic Boxes. We are all aware that products from well-known brands and industry leaders are expensive. As a result, people expect the packaging to be impressive as well. 

Building a Brand

Smartly utilize your makeup boxes for your branding and marketing. The key to attracting your customers is by adding value to not just your product but the packaging as well. The box has to be representative of the brand and the brand has to be personified on the box. One of your greatest achievements can be if the customer purchases your product and does not throw out the box because of how great it is.

Getting it right

Attention to detail is your friend, your lifeline when it comes to cosmetic boxes. And one thing to get right is the measurement of your boxes. If it is too big or too small, this will cause defects in the product as well as a bad impression on the buyer. Customize your final look by sampling a few boxes and experimenting with a few sizes and shapes before landing on the final presentation. 

Make sure your product does not look the same as the rest of the bunch when it sits on the aise. Marketing companies work tirelessly to make their package stand out from the competition through various impressive tips and tricks.

Texture And Visuals

When a customer holds your box in their hand it has to give them a premium feel in order for them to remain interested in your product. For a customer to want to spend the money on your product, the texture and finish of the box has to convince them then and there that it is worth their money. 

When a buyer is convinced that the value of the packaging itself is enough to warrant their purchase, that is when you have succeeded in creating the right texture for your packaging. Depending on the sort of persona you are going for your brand, you have to be very creative in designing the outer feel. 

From options like smooth or rustic or rough, it really depends on your brand identity. Keep in mind that the customer will gauge whatever is inside the box from what is outside the box.

Design and Colors

When it comes to colors, a lot of companies make the mistake of using too loud or too sober colors. With lip gloss boxes, you have to be subtle yet artistic in your color choices. Something that says chic and at the same time stands out of the crowd. A lot of cosmetic companies win over a customer base with just the right play of black and white. Again this depends heavily on your brand persona so it is upto you to make sure that the colors and design you go for are perceived in line with your brand and product line.