3 Content Marketing Tips


To create epic content that will delight your fans and turn them into loyal customers! Content Marketing

Creating and promoting content from your website is one of the main activities of any webmaster. Often, it can take me days to write an epic article with over 2,500 words, and it seems like a real challenge to adapt my sources and ideas to greek data.

Take for example this epic article with 3,500+ words that took me quite a while to write and to collect all this great information about all of you fanatical fans of mine who I know are watching me and looking forward to the next post!

You see, and in this article I have adapted after research as many things as I could in Greek reality. In the incomplete poor Greek reality of the internet with poor content and minimal flashes of websites with real quality and useful content.

Content Marketing, or Content Marketing when done correctly, can attract thousands of readers to your website, launch entries in your email list, and build a large fan base on your website.

The broad fan base will instantly make your website viable.

Nowadays there are many tools that can help you with your content marketing strategy. Remember, content is not all about writing blogs. Content can be a video, an infographic or an ebook. If you want to build ebooks, there’s no need to pay hundreds of dollars to a freelancer.

There are tools like Sqribble and Designrr that automate this process. You should check them out.

3 Things to Avoid in Content Production

Unfortunately today in Greece the situation is tragic. 80% of websites have useless or duplicate content or junk and are on the verge of spam if not spam.

The reason I’m writing this article is for the few who will want to listen to me and create original, unique content on the Internet.

I estimate that I am addressing a 3% who will follow my advice and see immediate results on its website. It will see traffic increase on the site vertically. Increase likes and shares on Facebook and greatly increase the registrations on its list.

I would like to highlight three things that you should avoid in content production before we go any further.

1. Create content on your own website

Some people have confused the facebook page with their site and think it belongs to them because it’s free. Big mistake. I wonder what the usefulness of sites will be when we will all need a Facebook page to do everything?

I myself wonder why I need a blog with my own name and hosting, since facebook is fine?

Don’t forget that facebook is a private company and she doesn’t care what you do. When you only deal with the Facebook page you look like the two donkeys fighting in a foreign barn. Tomorrow Facebook closes or closes your page – and believe me it has closed and deleted many pages without warning – and you automatically lose all your content, photos, videos and whatever work you did on your page!

2. Now all sites have 50€

Whether it’s huge websites or small sites, they all have 50€! Whether it’s ebay or a blog on the blogger, again 50€ does!

Which means I’m going to give a kid 50€ and he’s going to build me a website in five minutes that’s going to be a plane!

What if you don’t have any money in your pocket? I’ll lend you a 50 to get you started. Since it’s a given that it’s going to be hell when you put it on the air, I’m sure you’ll get rich! read more : wordpress metabox

The conclusion to the 50€ clown is that ignorance kills. I wish the websites had 50€! But they don’t. Websites and online stores need a lot of work to achieve thousands of hours of work hours to perform. Every website is a business and that’s how it should be treated.

3. What is the best RSS Aggregator

For those who don’t know it, RSS Aggregator is the program that snaps into WordPress as a plugin and steals content from other sites by republishing thousands of duplicate articles.

When your new online business idea is to become a professional plagiarism, since you are a digital drone you prefer to build a blog. You’ll be asleep and the trash can will grow all the way up. The world will come as if by magic and no one will understand that the articles you write on the blog will not be yours.

It’ll be written by an unknown God. A spam wizard, Mr. Zero. So you will succeed by doing the opposite of Personal Branding!