5 golden rules that your children should be taught

children should be taught
5 golden rules that your children should be taught

There are several rules that should be ingrained in children from a young age onwards. These are essential for their overall wellbeing and development. While you can always encourage your children to exercise themselves creatively with fun online hobby classes at platforms like Yellow Class and give them ample playtime and space to discover themselves, it is vital to teach them some other things as well. While fun activities for kids and school will teach them a lot of valuable things, there are some things that only parents can suitably teach kids.

In this context, here’s taking a look at the 5 golden rules that you should be teaching your children. 

Taking care of the mind should be taught early on-

Do not just teach your kids about the importance of caring for their physical development, their bodies and health problems. Children should definitely know about the importance of brushing their teeth, healthy eating, maintaining hygiene and staying fit through exercising. However, taking care of the mind is a golden rule that parents should definitely teach their little ones. Make it a priority to tell your kids about maintaining healthy mental health and overall wellbeing. Teach them mental strength exercises. Do them together as a family and talk about the benefits of techniques like relaxing, switching off, diverting the mind, etc. 

1. Teach children to talk about what they are feeling-

If you can pull this off, then you need not worry about your kids well into their adult years. Teach students to talk about what they are feeling and encourage them to express. This will help them unwind and let off steam while they express themselves to their family members and close friends. Teach children to share feelings and thoughts while tackling disappointments, rejections, loneliness and so on. Children should not be left alone to identify feelings and cope with them in a haphazard manner. Acknowledge your feelings and let your children do the same. Teach them to manage emotions and express them without keeping them bottled up or closeted. 

2. Teach children the value of realistic and logical thinking-

Do not state empty words of reassurance to your children without teaching him/her how to realistically manage situations. If your child expresses any signs of negativity, self-doubt and self-blame, teach him/her how to think uniquely, tackle situations and reframe thoughts in a more logical manner.  Teach him/her that thoughts are not always the reality and it is important to prove the brain wrong at times. Share your own thought process, showing the child that you do not always go by the brain. fun activities for kids

3. Teach them the importance of taking positive actions and decisions-

Children should be taught that they can behave in an opposite manner to what they are feeling. In fact, teach them that positive actions and decisions can help children transform their behavior as well. Suppose your child has a rough day at school and comes back home. Teach him/her that choosing to do something positive like exercising or a new project can help in feeling much better as a result. Always strive to be a suitable role model in this regard. 

4. Teach problem-solving to your kids-

Resist the temptation to solve kids’ problems by stepping in yourself. However, wait it out and let them get more scope to solve problems on their own. Teach him/her to come up with solutions to all sorts of problems. Let him/her make mistakes as well. Come up with solutions to various issues together and encourage brainstorming.