5 Must-Have Recruitment ATS Features for Recruitment Agencies

Recruitment Agencies
5 Must-Have Recruitment ATS Features for Recruitment Agencies

Recruitment agencies face their own set of challenges when it comes to operating a successful business. They must manage multiple clients and projects simultaneously, stay on top of hourly rates and market trends, and keep everything organized so that they don’t lose track of important details. Recruitment agencies manage large volumes of job applicants, CV submissions, interview bookings, contracts, and more. To streamline operations and keep track of all their company documents and information, many agencies use a Recruitment Applicant Tracking Software (or ATS) to manage the hiring process more efficiently. To help you determine which recruitment agency software is right for your business, we’ve compiled a list of the top 5 ATS features that every recruitment agency should consider using:


Define job requirements and create job ads

One of the most important recruitment agency software features is the ability to create job ads and job descriptions. This will help you attract the right calibre of candidates for each position. If you don’t properly define the job requirements for each position, you could end up having to sift through a ton of unqualified candidates. By clearly outlining the job dduties and responsibilities, you can reduce the number of unqualified applicants. Your ATS should allow you to create job ads and job descriptions, which you can then distribute to job boards, LinkedIn, and your own website.


Track applicant information and store resumes

Another important recruitment agency software feature to consider is the ability to track information about applicants. Your ATS should allow you to track the likes and dislikes of candidates so that you can find the best fit for each position. Your ATS should allow you to collect information such as which candidates applied for which position, the location of each candidate, and which candidates need to be contacted for an interview. Your ATS should also allow you to store resumes for each candidate. This can be particularly helpful if you have a large number of applicants for a specific position. You can then search through the resumes and find the candidate who best fits the job description.


Manage contracts and shop for prospective employees

A good recruitment agency software will allow you to manage contracts with clients and prospective employees. You can outline the terms of the contract and include specific deliverables. This will help you stay on top of your projects and make sure that you don’t miss any deadlines. Your ATS should allow you to create work orders and work instructions to track the progress of each project. This organizational structure will help you stay on top of multiple projects at once, as well as provide your clients with regular updates on their projects. Your ATS should also have an integrated functionality that allows you to search for resumes and CV submissions. This functionality will help you identify qualified candidates for each position. You can then accept or reject candidates based on their resume and qualifications.


Manage the recruitment process with meetings and milestones

Another important recruitment agency software feature to consider is the ability to manage the recruitment process. This will allow you to create meetings, assign tasks, and set milestones for each project. Your ATS should allow you to create project schedules so that you can track the progress of each project. Your ATS should allow you to create tasks and set due dates for each project. This will help you stay on top of your projects and make sure that each project stays on schedule. It will also allow you to identify which projects need extra attention and which projects can be delegated to other employees. Your ATS should also allow you to create milestones for each project. This will help you identify key points in the project and see how far along each project is.


Summing up

Organizations use recruitment agency software like Recruiterflow to assist in the management of the hiring process, which includes tracking applicants, job descriptions and requirements, contracts, interviews, and hiring decisions. Your recruitment agency software should be easy to use, include a user-friendly interface, and allow you to integrate with other software platforms. Your recruitment agency software should include a wide range of features, including the ability to create job ads and descriptions, manage applicant information, track contracts and payments, manage the recruitment process, and integrate with other platforms.