5 Tips For Growing Your Small Business With Ecommerce 

ecommerce business

Getting sales can be frustrating, especially for growing businesses. E-commerce is a tool invented to reduce those challenges. The platform has increased and maintained communication and automated responses. In 2020, there was a record 27.6 percent increase in the business sphere generated by eCommerce users. The competition is high and proliferating. Every day a new challenge is created, and as a small business, how can you grow in a competitive world using e-commerce?

Here is the definition of eCommerce to better understand the five strategies we’re about to discuss. E-commerce is an online store where you can reach out to customers, make purchases, receive payments, make shipping, and many other things throughout the website. Eccomerce can be used to grow a small business in different ways, such as increasing sales and customer loyalty. The fact is that these strategies are different from other generalized digital marketing strategies.

Here are five tips to boost your business with ecommerce

  1. Use Email Marketing

After doing all essential like registering for taxes, vat registration UK, hiring, it is okay to think of marketing. Email marketing is so effective it generates 30 times its startup. The system is a cut-cost method for small businesses. Ecommerce business trends well in email marketing in getting sales and audience. For instance, email marketing can segment your eCommerce customers according to their attributes such as location, most visited, likes, etc.

These attributes are used to send personalized content to customers to encourage communication. There are higher chances of converting leads when email contents are personal to each subscriber.

  1. Content Marketing

Content Marketing Institute has concluded that 91% of B2B content is a strategic marketing method for creating and distributing products and services to relevant and consistent customers. Loyalty attracts and retains existing and potential audiences to gain profitable sales for small businesses. Be mindful of what you post because content marketing says all about your eCommerce website. Great content will attract a larger audience and promote sales. Additionally, by having original content, customer trust will increase, which will increase charisma, loyalty, and continuous patronage. You can brainstorm excellent content, use media publications, and through feedback from customers.

The more content you have, the higher the level of interaction with the audience. When communication is established, the relationship will run smoothly. You can relate from the performance of past campaigns to know where to adjust or concentrate. Ensure your content is SEO optimized to enable your eCommerce website to rank high on Google. Having high ranking position will get you an easy audience as most researchers are confined to the first displayed page.

Photo by Anna Shvets from Pexels

  1. Use an eCommerce automated system to figure abandon carts

More than 75% of customers forget their cart each time on the web. Some people forget about the products while others lack funds at that moment. Small businesses can tap into this challenge by reminding customers of their carts. This reminder can be done through emails, chats, social media, etc.; no need to worry as eCommerce is automated to perform this action after setting the filters. Sending these messages may have customers returning to check on the product and may complete the purchase.

Users running their eCommerce on Shopify can turn on notifications to remind customers of their cart via PushOwl or OneSignal. A reminder will leave you in touch with your customers and increase sales.

  1. Upsell Your Products

Upselling is another strategy needed to grow a small business, and over 60% of eCommerce marketers have implemented the idea. The edge is an advantage and progressing tactic that brings revenue on a large scale. Companies like Amazon use this strategy by having upselling columns to display other related or relevant products in that section.

These upselling products appear when a customer clicks on a particular product or sends an email to a buyer concerning related products to searched items. The section also has frequently searched items highlighted among the exciting things. Small businesses can tap by helping customers navigate to their products by presenting options. These options should be limited so as not to overcrowed the customer space. The columns may also contain seasonal items, limited items, and discount items to boost sales.

  1. Use Live Chat For Direct, Personalized Communications

Focus more on a personal and intimate relationship with your customer’s experience as a small business. This method can be carried out by one-on-one chat applications such as Chatra, WhatApps, and Intercom to communicate authenticity.

A live chat builds trust and boosts small businesses as they respond to clients’ complaints quickly. More than 80% of clients are interested in live chat because of the fast and direct response. E-commerce marketing is challenging but necessary to progress in the business world. Personalized communication can be emails, content creation, upselling, live charts, and automated systems. These are a fantastic way to attract customers and create a community to build your presence in the eCommerce marketplace as a small business.

As you respond to your customers, always be calm in all ways to prevent negative comments or reviews. When communication crosses boundaries, remember that positive comments increase sales and influence customer decisions. After each chat, you can ask for a review or comments to build your business trust and awareness.


The growth of your eCommerce small business depends on how to implement these above strategies. Even big companies use these strategies to gain customers to their eCommerce and blogging websites like kampungbloggers. However, to keep your small business above competitors, remember to adopt these strategies consistently.