7 Things Nobody told you about Remote Work


There is no denying the fact that remote work has its advantages. As an employee, it gives you more flexibility, eliminates the commuting time and helps you strike a better work-life balance. For employers, it can increase their employee satisfaction, which will reduce the employee turnover rate. Not only that, it can also have a positive impact on the productivity of your employees. Lastly, it allows you to save money as you don’t need to buy or rent office space or pay higher utility bills.

According to remote work statistics, 

  • 86% of people who work remotely reduce stress.
  • 76% of workers are willing to stay with their current employer if they allow them to work flexible working hours.
  • 69% of millennial are ready to give up other benefits for a flexible working environment
  • Remote workers who work remotely once a month are 24% more likely to be happy and productive than traditional employees

Just like every other technology such as cheap dedicated server, remote work also has its downsides. The unfortunate part is that nobody tells you about it. That is why we have created a list of things that most people don’t know about related to remote work. If you are interested in learning about the dark side of remote work then you are at the right place.

In this article, you will learn about seven things you wished you knew about remote work.

7 Things Nobody Told You about Remote Work

Here are seven things that nobody ever told you about the best servers in Spain with remote work.

  1. Loneliness Can Take Its Toll

Isolation and lack of face to face interaction with your co-workers is one of the biggest cons of remote work. Despite the advancement in communication technology, no virtual interaction can replace human to human communication in real life. That is why most remote workers experience the feeling of loneliness and feel disjointed from the organization. 

If you love to interact with your co-workers more often and love to have a chit chat during lunch or near the water cooler then you will feel the pain while working remotely. Managers need to play their part by keeping their remote teams engaged and conduct frequent meetings to inquire about their wellbeing so they don’t feel like they are left out.

  • Distractions Can Negatively Impact Productivity

If you have ever worked from home, you might be familiar with the distractions that remote workers have to face. It could be anything from children’s to pets, home chores to social media, watching TV to movies. This can put remote workers off their targets and they end up losing focus. This directly impacts their productivity in a negative way. As a result, you will notice that your remote workers are not as productive as they used to be when working in the office. This is mainly due to these distractions. Ask them to dedicate a seperate room for remote work and block out all the distractions to improve their productivity levels.

  • Technical Issues

Put yourself in the shoes of a remote worker who has a deadline to meet. Your internet suddenly stops working or you are unable to access the files you need to complete the task due to a technical issue. This can be a nightmare for remote workers. Seeking help can be a time consuming process as the technical support team might first understand the problem, look for a suitable fix and then resolve the problem, which can take anywhere from a few hours to a few days depending on the nature of faults. 

  • Self-Management Is Not As Easy As You Might Think

Working in a traditional office environment is completely different from remote work. When you are working remotely, you will have to manage everything on your own. On the flipside, a traditional office environment offers you a controlled environment where everything is managed by others. If you are an organized person and knows how to manage your time and manage yourself effectively then, you will surely love remote work but sadly most people struggle with it. That is why they end up with messy desks and tend to work in their pajamas when working from home.

  • Developing Unhealthy Habits

If you are a remote employee for a company that is headquartered in a different country then you might have to face time zone issues. Remote workers might have to work sleepless nights or even at odd hours of the day, which can disrupt their sleep cycles badly. 

They rarely get a few hours of sleep every day, which negatively impacts their health. Sleep deprivation can lead to a lot of health problems such as heart attack, heart failure, stroke or even diabetes. Not only that, it can also cause depression, obesity and can have a negative impact on your immune system as well.

  • Poor Nutrition

Just like your sleep cycles, your food choices and meal timings can also get affected by remote work. You might be tempted to eat fast food to save some time but it can have adverse effects on your health in the long run. Some workers don’t even get time to have lunch and dinner at the right time so they tend to skip meals, which can negatively impact your physical and mental wellbeing. Create a schedule even while working remotely and allocate slots for lunch and dinner. Take regular breaks to recharge your batteries so you don’t feel burned out. 

  • Unplugging Can Be Tough

According to a survey conducted by Buffer, 27% of remote workers consider not being able to unplug as their biggest struggle with remote work. Remote workers tend to stick in front of their laptop screens even when their work shift is over. They clock in more hours which could have negative consequences not only on their health but also on their productivity. Managers need to intervene and help their remote workers switch off. Give your employees some time off from work and it will keep them healthy and more productive.

Which of these things did you know about remote work before reading this article? Share it with us in the comments section below.