New Security Developments You Might See Next Time You Fly

airport security

Reports from the travel industry indicate that more than 2.9 million people fly into and out of airports across the United States every year. Whether those passengers are flying for business or pleasure, they all have certain things in common. Each one has to bring at least some type of luggage along for the trip even if it’s only a laptop carrier or overnight bag. All of them have to check in and make it to the appropriate terminal on time. Every passenger also has to make his or her way through airport security.

New Developments in Airport Security

It doesn’t seem like all that long ago when x-ray machines became established fixtures in America’s airports. Before long, though, they may be considered antiquated technology. Several new developments have come to the realm of security these days. Some are already being used in certain airports whereas others are still in the developmental stages. Each one could bring its own set of advantages to the table for airport security personnel and passengers alike. Take a look at some of the advancements that are gaining attention right now.

airport security

Credentialed Authentication Technology

Credentialed Authentication Technology, or CAT, is currently being used in a long list of airports throughout the United States. Passengers must present their IDs to TSA officers who, in turn, insert the IDs into CAT machines. Those machines are linked to the Secure Flight database. CAT helps to prevent identity and boarding pass fraud while speeding up a portion of the pre-screening process and keeping potentially dangerous people from boarding planes.


Biometrics are also making their way into airport security. Some airports are already testing this type of technology, though passengers may opt for traditional security checks if they wish. Right now, facial and fingerprint recognition are the main types of biometrics being used. Iris recognition may become a more significant factor in the future, but the TSA points out that only a few passengers would be suitable for this option because not many people’s iris patterns are in a central database at this point.


Automated screening lanes are among the milder innovations in airport security, and they’re becoming increasingly common in the nation’s airports. Passengers simply place their purses, carry-on bags, and other belongings in trays and send them through screening machines that can see what’s inside. Automation carries the trays through the machine and improves the screening process. While electronics and liquids must be removed before screening, other items can remain in place throughout the process.

Taking Security Into the Future

Quite a few people have already experienced automated screening lanes in airports, and many are impressed with the speed and ease of the process. CAT is also becoming a common sight in airports. Countless passengers have already had their drivers’ licenses, REAL IDs, passports, and other forms of identification inserted into those machines to clear them for travel.

Biometrics tend to make many passengers uncomfortable, but it’s also becoming a major component of security. During the years to come, more new developments are bound to make their way into the field, further reinforcing and simplifying security check-ins at airports across the country.