13 Clever ideas for making outclass Cereal Boxes

custom cereal boxes

A few papers, some pencils, thumb pins, cups, a month ago empty bottle of water, a pair of socks, forks, knives, your favorite lipstick you have been finding since a month now, a chicken, sheep-o-peep, and a cow. 

This is how most of the counters look like!

Well, it is true that once you put one thing on your counter it keeps piling up until you could come under it and die. It does not matter if it is your kitchen counter, or study counter, or any other counter in the house, it is all the same, every time, without the slightest doubt. 

Clutter is like a plague, it will infest you and each and every corner of your house. Let’s fix it for good before it’s too late.

1. Levitate 

Well, well, well, who said that everything has to be placed on the ground or the counters?

There is no hard and fast rule to organize the stuff, so why not think out of the box and go for wall or roof hangings. Why go so conventional when you can hang your fruits and vegetables rack from the ceiling?

 It adds some style to your kitchen and saves space on the counter.

2. Over-the-door organizer

When you can hang shelves at the back of the door for your shoes then why not on the doors for other stuff. 

Be creative and go for organizing shelves at the back of your pantry door to keep all the things that do not fit on the counter but are necessary. It beautifully satisfies your OCD for better, clean, and organized outlook.

3. Slide-out organizers

To use each and every inch of your drawer and other spaces around the house go for slide-out drawers. They come out with readymade shelves that offer unique and maximum space for storage.

4. Float shelves

The most important and useful space that is overlooked by each and everyone is the sides of the cabinets and the sink. Add floating shelves to store the items that come in daily use you can put all the other stuff in cupboards.

5. Island storage

How about having some style with effective storage and organizing?

Island stands are the most fashionable and trendy when it comes to utilizing extra space for your good. It comes handy for the items that are important and comes in use frequently than others such as cookbooks etc.

6. Stationary holders 

Not only the kitchen needs some organization, but other counters or study tables also need organization and storage hacks to minimize the mess and makes it easy to find the right stuff at the right time.

Cereal boxes come to rescue when you need cost-effective and durable storage. These boxes are made up of cardboard, which is strong and sturdy. They make a feasible and functional storage box. 

You can cut them in different sizes for different items such as pencils, thumb pins, sticky notes and other such stuff, cover it with the paper of your choice and glue all the parts together. Voila!

7. Newspaper stands

Custom printed cereal boxes are colorful, unique, and very attractive, which you can also use as it to make your storage boxes. Cut your favorite cereal box from one side to make an easy closure to load or unload the items that you are going to place in it.

Keep them beside your sofa or dressing or study table where you sit and read in your free time. Or placing them at different places around the house makes it easy to eliminate the mess.

8. Stash box

There are a lot of things that are of great use but are of no use!

Did you get what it means? Every household and every individual have some stuff that they do not use anymore but they also do not want to throw it away. Well, for that you can choose your favorite cereal box and make a tray-like box to keep all the small stuff safe and organized. It helps in saving a lot of space in the counters. 

You can always find a perfect cereal box that does not need any additional wrapping because custom cereal boxes wholesale are high-end and custom printed which makes them the most versatile and attractive.

9. Desk trays

Organizing and storing paper documents is the hardest because they are important.

You cannot throw them and you cannot also keep them on your desk all the time. 

Cereal cartons are more than what you think. The easiest way to organize and store your papers is to take 2 to 3 boxes of cereal, remove the closure from one side of the box, stack them one over the other and secure with glue. 

Here is your desk tray, ready to clean up unnecessary stuff on your counter.

10. Box it all up

So, have you ever come across things that are hard to store in the cupboard and cannot also be kept in the open as it is just some extra clutter, like bottle openers, keys, over-the-top medicines, and other stuff that you just throw on the counter while passing through it? 

Use custom boxes from the products that are no longer in use or that you saved from Christmas or your last birthday on the counters. They give a unique and pleasant vibe plus help in reducing the mess.

11. Rolling cart

The most convenient and useful option for saving extra space on the counters, rolling carts are the way to go. You can always move them around according to your need or requirement.

12. Drawer organizers

Well, most of the clutter happens because there is no enough space in the drawers to keep the stuff, which results in a mess on the counters. Use drawer organizers or make some of them on your own with cereal cartons. Custom cereal boxes are not only attractive but also durable and strong, which makes them the best for DIY. 

13. Use baskets

There is just one thing that can justify everything about cane baskets for organizing stuff.

Classy and sustainable!

Keep your jars in these baskets to create style and save the space. 

Well, it all depends on you. Be creative, think out of the box and go for things that are available in your house. Use them in different ways or if you are not sure, go for these ideas.