Dental Health: Caring for Your Teeth Daily


Here, we will go over the importance of dental health and how to care for your teeth daily.

Dental health can be defined as the overall health of all mouth components like the teeth, cheeks, tongue, and gums. Maintaining good dental health is essential because if neglected, infection, disease, and low self-confidence may occur. 

Keep reading to find out what you can do on a daily basis to ensure your dental health remains in good condition.

The Importance of Dental Health

Maintaining good dental health is essential to your overall well-being for many reasons.

When we neglect our dental hygiene responsibilities, we risk developing cavities, infections, and diseases due to the build-up of plaque and other bacteria. Plaque is a thin film that constantly forms on our teeth when bacteria mix with starchy or sugary foods. 

If plaque is not removed daily, it hardens into something called calculus, also known as tartar. This tartar is dangerous to dental health because it releases toxins into the gums. These toxins lead to gum irritation, inflammation, disease, and cavities.

If left untreated, the risk of losing your teeth, infection, or needing surgery increases. 

Brush Your Teeth

Brushing your teeth is one of the most essential parts of oral hygiene. However, many individuals fail to realize they are brushing incorrectly. 

Proper brushing includes the following steps:

  • Bruse twice per day (in the morning and evening)
  • Brush for at least two minutes
  • Brush with the toothbrush at a 45-degree angle
  • Brush the inside, outside, and top of each tooth
  • Brush your tongue and cheeks

Plaque begins to form within two hours of eating or drinking and can be quite difficult to remove once hardened.

Floss Your Teeth

Flossing each day is also an important part of dental hygiene. In fact, many dentists feel that failing to floss is the primary reason for cavity formation.

Dental floss is responsible for cleaning the parts of your teeth that a toothbrush can’t reach, like between the teeth and under the gumline. 

Here is how you can floss properly:

  • Floss each time you brush (twice per day)
  • Floss if you have food particles stuck in your teeth
  • Floss all teeth by gliding the string up and down and against the sides of each tooth
  • Floss between the gum line and tooth

While flossing, remember to be careful with your gums otherwise they may bleed or bruise. 

Use the Proper Tools

Believe it or not, what you use to clean your mouth is just as important as how you clean it. 

Here are some suggestions of what to look for in a toothbrush:

  • Soft bristles
  • Nylon bristles
  • Multi-level or angled bristles
  • Small toothbrush head that can reach all parts of your mouth

What should you look for in toothpaste?

  • ADA-approved fluoride toothpaste with a concentration of at least 1000 parts per million
  • Toothpaste free of artificial colors or sweeteners
  • Toothpaste free of propylene glycol

The best types of floss:

  • Waterpik or another brand of an oral irrigator
  • Waxed string floss
  • Floss picks

Electric toothbrushes and mouthwash can be helpful however they are optional.

Be Mindful of What You Consume

Many things we consume on a regular basis are known to participate in the deterioration of our oral health. Therefore, it is essential to be mindful of what you put into your body.

  • Follow these tips to keep your teeth from experiencing avoidable damage or decay:
  • Eat a balanced diet and limit foods/drinks that are high in sugar or carbs.
  • Limiting how often you eat/drink (with the exception of water) throughout the day
  • Limit soda consumption
  • Limit hard food/candy consumption
  • Do not chew on non-food items

Additionally, it is best to avoid consuming drugs, alcohol, and tobacco. The frequent usage of these items can stain, damage, and corrode, your teeth, cheeks, tongue, and throat.

The risk factors associated with smoking marijuana have yet to be entirely determined. For more information on how marijuana affects your dental health, visit Veriheal or contact your dentist. 


Your daily hygiene routine and lifestyle play a major role in your dental health. Unfortunately, many of us are falling short when it comes to properly caring for our teeth.

To ensure good dental hygiene, brush and floss twice each day, use a fluoride toothpaste, don’t forget to brush your tongue and cheeks, and limit tobacco, alcohol, sugar, and carbohydrate consumption. 

Additionally, it is recommended to visit your dentist every six months for a teeth cleaning and oral exam.