Five Simple Ways to Soundproof A Room

Five Simple Ways to Soundproof A Room

Be it your bedroom or living room; there is scope to cut down that noise from outside. You can enjoy the privacy you want. There will be no doubt about it. For it, though, you need to use materials like soundproof curtains, blankets, walls, etc. 

There are many soundproofing options. However, for now, keeping your monthly spend in mind, let’s talk about the five most affordable and simple ways to make your room noise-free.

5 Ways To Make Your Favorite Room Soundproof

Use more soft materials.

Noise travels in waves. Hard materials like floorboards, metals, and more cause vibrations that influence the waves. That way, it’s better to use softer materials. It’s because pillows, cushions, throws, and curtains absorb sounds or vibrations. 

Thus, there will be no unwanted sound or noise when using them in the décor of your rooms. Investing in soft rugs, blankets, curtains, etc., is affordable. You can even rent those from the dealer at seasonal rates. 

Go for those options when you’re living in a rented apartment or house. 

The fibreglass curtains and hanging blankets are the densest to cut out the entire noise. You get to enjoy the quiet as you always wished for. 

Choose noise-cutting doors.

You need doors with tighter seals. Most doors do not have such seals, so you suffer from outside noise. But with a weather-stripping seal, you eliminate the unwanted noise or sound. 

Plus, you won’t have to remove or readjust the door from its hinges. The weather-stripping is just an addition around the door frame. 

It’s a good investment for homemakers living on rent for temporary fixes.

Integrate acoustic panels.

Ever heard about wood frames with foam inside? Those are the acoustic panels. Foam is the best material to absorb the unwanted noise from every corner of the room. It can help you turn the room as quiet as possible when integrating the acoustic panels. 

You won’t be hearing the people from the other side of the walls either. This way, you get your privacy and do not hear the unwanted chatter or noise outside. 

You can go on about your day when using the integrated acoustic panels. These panels have a lot of variety online. Browse it to know which ones you want. Make a list of the additional features you get from these panels.

Check the pricing of each panel or ask for quotes from the dealers. Make a smart choice, and don’t be impulsive in buying everything you see in the market. 

You can use these panels temporarily while living on rent in condos, apartments, buildings, or flats. Use them in adjacent rooms to give your other family members some privacy. 

Again, these solutions are also best for temporary living conditions to make the room more soundproof. 

Work around the floorboards.

When living in a building or flat, noise comes through floors. Living on the middle or top floors can be exhaustive. The same is for the people living on the ground floor with multiple families living on the floor above them. 

The regular hustle-bustle is completely annoying. Because of this, people cannot concentrate on living a balanced and peaceful life.

You can invest or look up the EVA foam flooring options. Many décor experts suggest this type of flooring, especially for families who do regular heavy workout sessions at home. 

This way, they would not be disturbing other families as well. These floorboards of EVA foam are put down like puzzle pieces. You don’t need to dig into your floor to adjust the same. 

They are again best for rented rooms to make them soundproof and go on living normally and privately. 

Add more layers to your rooms.

Adding layers is one of the smartest ways to make your room soundproof. That is by using the drywall. It will add more mass to the room you want to reduce noise from. The sound waves will hit this wall, preventing them from vibrating or bouncing off further.

There is also a green glue compound available in the market. It helps to reduce noise by adding this glue on the walls or between layers. Another layer can be the textured painted walls and ceilings to cut the unnecessary sounds vibrating in your room from outside.