How much friendly is Canada towards immigrants?

Canada towards immigrants

Canada has so many Indians living there. In Canada, understanding your Indian accent is not a problem for the natives. The country has such a high number of cosmopolitan populations that it has developed an expertise in understanding different kinds of accents.

Participation of Indians in Canadian politics

The Canadians don’t humiliate Indians. In fact, they don’t need to be told where India is by pinpointing its location on a globe. There are a lot of Indian MLA’s in Canada which should be a matter of pride for us Indians. In fact, an Indian Vic Dillon was an MLA in Ontario, the largest and the most populous state in Canada. Almost every state in Canada has an Indian in its Legislative Assembly.

The Indians are also represented fairly well in the Canadian Parliament. There are 11 Indian descent Members of Parliament in Canada. In fact, some of these MPs have been cabinet ministers also.

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So, as you can understand, Canada has a liberal attitude towards Indians. All this participation of Indians in the Canada’s politics is there because, India provides so many immigrants to this country, right after the UK and China.

Jobs in Canada

Canada is an economy flourishing expediently. So, there are jobs increasing at a high rate here. The Canada Express Entry system is also very accommodating of immigrants. So, there are 15 additional points if your sibling is there in this country or any sibling of your spouse. Canadian government hence rewards those who have relatives living over here.

This is because the Canadian government believes immigrants are a key resource in the development of this country.

The Canadian government is quite keen on getting immigrants here. This is explained by its multiple programs applicable for Canada PR such as Federal skilled worker program and super visas for senior citizens. It’s also mandatory to get a Canada PR for getting a  job because for Canadian employers a candidate should be authorized to be working in Canada. Apart from that, this high demand isn’t met by the supply of Canadian labor.

As per a survey which has been done, Canada has a high expansion happening in the domain of IT jobs. When you consider the findings of this report, as an IT professional you should be heading to Canada. It’s because Canada is going to hire almost, 2,18,000 professionals in the IT sector till the year 2020.

 Its because a less number of people only graduated with IT degrees(12,800 of such graduates in 2015). To get a job in Canada, your communication skills should be at par with any Canadian. In fact, if a Canadian immigrant has good communication skills, he can be taught some excellent IT skills at his workplace also. There are many ways to advertise your job skills. You can attend the networking events held by MNCs here. This way, you can meet up with new employers.

In Toronto the salaries for Indian graduates are enviable. They can earn up to, 55,000 CAD In a month which is the salary of a software developer.

In  Toronto, public transit is enough. So, no private cars are needed which saves the cost of fuel. Canadian education also does not have any costs. So, the students have free of charge education till the time they are in college.