How to Improve Employee Comfort and Productivity?


Melbourne is a popular city in Australia. It is known as the cultural capital of Australia and is renowned for its museums, art centres, and music. In 2019, there were 16,700 business establishments in Melbourne. Furniture is essential for the smooth and efficient functioning of an office. The furniture found in offices is office chairs, desks, file cabinets, tables, sofas, and dining tables. The arrangement of office furniture in Melbourne offices plays an integral part in the productivity of employees. Furniture is responsible for the ambience of the workspace and the comfort of the employees. When furniture is appropriately arranged, it makes the office look spacious. Having the right furniture in the right place gives the place a more welcoming look.

Tips To Enhance Comfort And Productivity In The Office

Provide the best work environment

Every employee needs a suitable work environment to be more productive. The employees are seated at their desks for most of the day. If they do not feel comfortable in their office chair, their performance will be affected. An uncomfortable work chair affects the health of the employees. Healthy employees stay inspired and get motivated to work. Employees must be provided with ergonomically designed work chairs and equipped with all necessary office supplies that help to complete tasks quickly.

Creativity with colours

Colour is one of the essential things that can make an employee more productive. Most offices use green and blue to make people more productive. Green is for reassurance, and it reduces anxiety and makes employees feel calm and harmonious. Blue represents confidence, dignity, and loyalty. It increases productivity by making people stay focused. Yellow is believed to bring energy, optimism, and innovation.

Bring nature inside

Most offices are in cramped-up concrete jungles. Employees may not find any motivation to work in such offices. Bring nature into the office by having some green plants inside the office building. Plants are the best source of fresh air, and they boost productivity by 15%. Plants serve as office decorations and motivate those who want to stay close to nature. Placing green plants in the office along with the furniture makes the place look lively and cheerful.

Sufficient lighting

The workspaces of employees must have sufficient lighting to help them work without any problems. Every office must have adequate light. Too bright and dim lights can strain the employee’s eyes and cause drowsiness and headaches. Natural light in the office helps people to be alert and focused. All offices must have their employees exposed to some natural light to make them more productive. It is best to organise work furniture in areas where there is sufficient natural light.

Workstation personalisation

All employees use office furniture in Melbourne while working. They will feel more comfortable at their work desk if they can personalise the space they use. Offices must encourage employees to have personal items like photos, motivational quotes, and cards on their desks. They feel more comfortable and work more energetically when they perform their tasks from a personalised workspace.

Eliminate clutter

Well-organised offices in Melbourne make the employees work harder. Keeping a clean and decluttered work table minimises distractions, helps employees be more focused and enhances productivity. Decluttering the workspace can be done regularly as a weekly or monthly activity. Furniture like file cabinets and lockers for storage helps workers keep minimum things on their desks and work efficiently. 

The primary goal of organising office furniture in Melbourne offices is to boost performance and productivity. A well-organised office looks neater and helps employees to complete tasks quickly. It keeps employees focused and creates a positive environment and success for all.

Read More : How to select the right office furniture in Sydney