Make your eyeshadow boxes attractive: here’s how

eyeshadow boxes

In the world of cosmetics, every aspect of your product should have the convincing power to impress a customer. Your eyeshadow box might seem like an ordinary thing to you, but when designed attractively, it can do wonders for your business. Presentation is the key in the cosmetics industry, and there is no way you can ignore the design of your packages. It can help you with better marketing of your brand and can bring you many new customers. If you are looking for ways how you can design your eyeshadow packages in the best manner, then follow below to learn the art.

Materials are important

Materials are unarguably the most important thing in making any packaging attractive. A customer generally thinks that if the packaging is premium, then the product inside must be equally good too. This leads to a better reputation for the company in the market. So always choose the best materials. As these will not only look more attractive but also protect your delicate eyeshadow kits. Many companies want to save some money and choose inferior materials, and this; can cost them massively if the kits inside get damaged. Kraft and cardboard are considered the best choices for manufacturing these packages. It is mainly because these are durable and eco-friendly in nature too. So this can be an extra benefit for your company.

Infuse the brand’s theme in it

Almost all the major companies in the world match their packages with the basic theme of the company. You can do this with your eyeshadow boxes if you use certain elements in your design that hints at a customer towards your company. It will make sure that the customers get familiar with your company. With the logo, make sure to print your catchy tagline that sparks interest in the company. Apart from these two, the colors play a vital role in the packaging. If your product is sitting on a retail shelf in a large store, where hundreds of similar products are available, how will you stand out? For this purpose, you need to infuse the color of your brand into your eyeshadow packages. Your logo will not be visible from far away, but your color will be.

Go with attractive customizations.

Every now and then, you should experiment with a new shape or customization option. However, if you think it would be too big of a risk to experiment with shapes on your own, then you can conduct a small survey. Present your target audience with different options for eyeshadow packaging and see what they love the most. This is how you will have an idea of what your target audience is into. You can use this data to perfectly tailor the box, and this will attract more customers. Also, the most common trick to making your packaging attractive instantly is to add a die-cut window in it. Customers, when buying eyeshadows, are looking for a way to look at the shades. Your window will provide them a way to look inside the box without having to open it. This will result in quick purchase decisions.

The importance of text

The importance of the text printed on the box is important. Customers are always looking for any new information that they can get on a packaging. Your text has the power to make their purchase decision easier. But you must not use too much text on your box, as it can steer the customer away. So the best way to do this is to keep it short, precise, and to the point. If your product has any special feature that you want to highlight, then use your text to do it. Other than that, you can print greeting messages for your customers on special occasions like Christmas and New Year’s. This will act as a good sign from your company and customers will be impressed by it.

Focus on printing and finishing options

Thanks to the ability of these eyeshadow boxes to be printed with any design, you can make them attractive easily. The best idea is to do some research on the latest design trends in the industry and come up with a way to use them in your packaging. Customers who buy makeup products are very up to date in terms of fashion trends. To impress such customers, you have to convince them with your packaging design. Apart from printing options, finishing is also important in the overall look and feel. For this purpose, you can use lamination options like matte or gloss, or you can go for gold or silver foiling. All in all, the goal is to make your packaging hard to look away from.

Use occasional designs

Using occasional designs every now and then; can act as a breath of fresh air for both the customers and retailers. People, nowadays, look for uniquely designed packages for Christmas and Valentine’s. So by presenting them what they want, you instantly make your brand more attractive. It can be done with the help of colors; for instance, you can use the colors red and green to indicate Christmas, and the color red can also be used near Valentine.

Making an eyeshadow box attractive might seem like a difficult task at first, but with the help of the pointers given above, you can do it easily. So follow the tips given above, and contact your supplier to arrange a meeting. Discuss these points with them and get started with your business!

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