Neck Pain Treatment in Ayurveda- Try It!

Neck Pain Treatment

Neck discomfort is defined as any time your neck hurts. It’s a widespread issue with several reasons.

Your neck has a difficult task. It can support the same weight as a bowling ball all day. Your head, which weighs roughly 11 pounds, is supported by the bones at the top of your spine, as well as your muscles and ligaments.

It may be a difficult balancing act. Neck discomfort may be caused by a variety of factors, including poor sleeping habits and poor posture, as more than one-quarter of American adults can attest. It is not generally a sign of a more significant health issue.

What Are the Symptoms of Neck Pain?

If your neck hurts, you may notice the following symptoms:

  • Pain that worsens when you keep your head in a specific position while working on a computer, driving, or performing other chores.
  • Muscle spasms or stiffness
  • You’re having difficulty moving your neck or head.
  • Headache

Few common causes of Neck Pain

There are several factors that might induce neck pain:

  • Incorrect posture
  • Repetitive movement
  • Poor sleeping habits
  • clenching your teeth
  • Carrying a cumbersome shoulder bag or purse
  • Nerve compression
  • Sports injuries or other types of injuries

Common problems from neck pain

  • Degenerative disc disease
  • Cervical spondylosis

What is Ayurveda Treatment?

Ayurveda, a medical method that started thousands of years ago in India, is founded on the idea that good health is dependent on a balance of mind, body, and spirit.

Ayurveda focuses on restoring body balance with a customized strategy that may involve massage, specific meals, herbs, aromatherapy, and exercise.

Ayurvedic Treatment For Neck Pain

Did you know there is a neck pain treatment in Ayurveda?

In fact, ayurvedic therapy for neck pain is focused on the origin of the discomfort, which is frequently muscle spasm induced by strain from posture or stress. This is readily treated with Ayurvedic remedies and, in extreme situations, with local massages. Ayurveda provides a real-world alternative to surgery and other intrusive procedures such as epidural injections.

Neck Pain Treatment in Ayurveda

The reasons for the cause of neck pain are first identified in ayurvedic treatment; accordingly, it is treated. It provides concrete alternative remedies to operations, as well as other approaches such as epidural injections. The following Ayurvedic remedies provide pain relief:

MriduShodhana: Mild purgation is another name for this treatment. In this technique, a combination of milk or Cassia fistula fruit pulp and castor oil is prepared.

GreevaBasti: A black gramme paste is placed to the back of the neck to help in the retention of the medications in that area. Several therapeutic oils, such as Ksheerbala oil, are heated, and the component aids in the retention of this oil within it for a period of time. The rationale for this is that when hot oil is administered to that location, it aids in disc hernia treatment. The feeding of the disc cartilage is enhanced, and so the degradation process of the tissues is reversed.

Gugglu: Simbananda Guggulu, a resin extract of the Guggulu plant, is regarded as an efficient Ayurvedic treatment for neck discomfort.

Ayurvedic Herms for Neck Pain

Some Ayurvedic medicines have been shown to be particularly effective in the treatment of neck discomfort. When taken or administered to the afflicted region, they might provide unexpected consequences for a Spondylosis sufferer.

Ashwagandha (Withaniasomnifera), Prishniparni (Urariapicta), Gambhari (Gmelinaarborea),Guggulu (CommiphoraMukul), Rasna (Pluchealanceolata), Shunthi (Ginger), Bala (Sidacardifolia), Amalaki (EmblicaOfficinalis), Shallaki (Bosweliaserrata), Castor root (Ricinus)

Ayurvedic Treatment for Degenerative disc disease

Various exercises to increase flexibility, strength, core stability, and range of motion (how easily your joints move) are taught during the active phase of physical therapy. Every physical therapy program is tailored to the patient’s age, health, and medical history.

Degenerative disc disease is irreversible and will never completely disappear. As a result, it is critical that you learn about body mechanics, proper posture, and how to avoid situations that cause discomfort so that pain may be controlled more effectively. Additional weight can exacerbate the discomfort caused by DDD, thus it is best to drop the extra pounds to better control the pain.

Ayurvedic Treatment for Cervical Spondylosis

Ayurvedic therapies for stress alleviation, yoga asanas, and drugs that aid in whole body and mind regeneration are also part of the treatment regimen. Ayurvedic Panchakarma treatments for treating cervical spondylosis include Abhyangaswedam, Elakizhi, Nasyam, Shirovasti or shirodhara, Sarvangadhara, Navarakizhi, Pizhichil, and others to reduce pain, inflammation of muscles and ligaments, and enhance neck bone joint flexibility. All treatment treatments are controlled based on the patient’s state and the severity of the ailment.

Ayur Bethaniya provides thorough ayurvedic therapy for cervical spondylosis. This is intended to totally treat the condition and invigorate the sufferer. As a result, he or she will be as healthy as before. Our specialisedayurveda team, which includes physicians and medical specialists, is committed to the patient’s well-being.

Quick tips to ease your neck pain at home

  • Regularly practice neck and shoulder rotations. This can be accomplished by bending forwards, extending rearward, or rotating clockwise and anticlockwise. Neck nodding (sideways) is also helpful.
  • Posture correction is essential, especially if you work on a computer for extended periods of time.
  • Take a 10-minute break every hour to relieve discomfort and relax your joint. This will also assist you in concentrating on your task and improving its quality.
  • Maintain good posture while sleeping or sitting. Change the bedding or seats to your liking.
  • Avoid lifting weights. Lifting big weights and undertaking rigorous workouts should be avoided.

Final Thought!

If you’re thinking about trying Ayurveda, consult with your doctor first to balance the advantages and downsides and determine whether it’s appropriate and safe for you. Ayurveda should not be used in place of (or to postpone) appropriate medical care. Consult your primary care physician first if you have any health concerns. Be warned that certain Ayurvedic items have been found to be tainted with heavy metals such as lead and mercury in the past.