Netgear Nighthawk Extender Setup: Guide for Beginners


If you are looking for a way to access a seamless and lag-free internet connection, then we recommend you perform Netgear Nighthawk extender setup. Setting up a Netgear wireless range extender will help you access the internet in every damn corner of your home. 

In this article, we have explained three different methods through which you can configure a Netgear range extender:

  • Accessing the mywifiext page
  • Via the WPS method
  • Using the Nighthawk application

So, without any further ado, let’s get the ball rolling. 

How to Perform Netgear Extender Setup via Manual Method?

Also known as the Netgear Nighthawk Assistant, the Manual method is used by many users to configure a range extender. You should try it too. Follow the below-given instructions and get to know how to install an extender using the Manual method:

  • First of all, make sure that your Netgear Nighthawk router is getting enough and a fluctuation-free power supply from the wall outlet.
  • Once assured, create a connection between your Netgear extender and the router.
  • You can connect your devices using an Ethernet cable as well as a wireless source.

Note: If you are using an Ethernet cable to connect your wireless devices, then make sure that it is not damaged from anywhere.

  • As soon as you are done connecting your devices, switch on your computer.
  • Launch an internet browser.
  • In the URL bar of the internet browser, type mywifiext.
  • Press the Enter key.
  • You will be taken to the Netgear extender administrative page.
  • Fill the default login credentials into their respective fields.

Note: If you are not sure about the default username and password of your Netgear range extender, then consider drawing your attention to the user manual.

  • Click Log In.
  • On the Netgear Genie dashboard, follow the on-screen instructions. 

In this manner, you’ll be able to perform Netgear extender setup using the Manual method.

How to Perform Netgear Extender Setup via WPS Method?

This method is one of the easiest ways to set up a Netgear Nighthawk extender. So, follow the steps mentioned below and learn how to configure your wireless extender using the WPS method:

  • Plug the Netgear Nighthawk extender into a wall outlet.

Note: Make sure that your Netgear Nighthawk extender is plugged into a wall socket that is in good condition. Otherwise, you wouldn’t take much time to run into technical issues.

  • Power up the device and wait for the LED light to become green.
  • Once the LED light turns green, locate the WPS button located on your extender.
  • Carefully press it and wait for some time.
  • Then, change the location of your Netgear Nighthawk extender.

By following these steps, you’ll be able to perform Netgear extender setup using the WiFi-Protected Setup method.

How to Perform Netgear Extender Setup Using Nighthawk App?

If you want to set up the Netgear wireless range extender using your mobile device, then consider using the Nighthawk application. Here are the guidelines that you need to follow in order to configure your extender using the Netgear Nighthawk app:

  • Unlock your mobile device.
  • Go to the Google Play Store or App Store.
  • Search for the Netgear Nighthawk app.
  • Once found, tap Download.
  • Wait for the Netgear Nighthawk application to get installed properly.
  • The minute the app gets installed, create a Netgear account using your username, email address, and password.
  • Then, log in to your Netgear Nighthawk extender using the default admin details.
  • Tap Log In.
  • On the mywifiext setup wizard, follow the on-screen prompts.

In this way, you’ll be able to use the Nighthawk app to configure the Netgear wireless range extender.


Hopefully, the guidelines mentioned in this post helped you set up your Netgear Nighthawk wireless range extender with ease. If they did, then feel free to leave a word of appreciation in the comment section. We would love to read that we could be of some help to you.