The post-Covid times are difficult and hard on everyone, but we can deal with these difficult times while following the safety guidelines. Your interaction levels at the virtual park will not be same as it was before the pandemic. But you do not have to worry about the entertainment factor here in Dubai. You will be able to have fun and enjoy like you were doing before the COVID times by strictly following certain safety measures/guidelines and rules. The authorities make these guidelines, and it is the responsibility of the staff to make everyone follow the rules. You must also be responsible enough to abide by the rules and regulations for the safety of your loved ones while you enjoy your park visit.
Keep scrolling down the article to get a clear understanding of post-COVID safety measures and preventive taken in themed parks in Dubai.
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Top 4 General Health And Safety Measures At VR Parks
It is very important to make sure that the people visiting the parks are not carrying any disease or the people have no symptoms of the virus. For that purpose, various safety measures are taken at various points of the park.
Following are certain general safety measures taken in the virtual parks.
1) Temperature checks
For ensuring the safety of all the visitors, the management and authorities make sure everyone’s temperature is being checked before entering the parks. The chances of a person catching COVID are higher than the people nearby. That is why it is important to make sure every person is not having any symptoms. You must prefer going to the parks that have strict safety measures implemented for the safety of their visitors. Booking VR park Dubai tickets in such critical situations will be best for you to enjoy while staying on a safer side.
2) Hand sanitization
These parks have made sure that the payments being done are contactless for improving safety and reducing the chances of infecting yourself. Apart from these restrictions, you will be able to sanitize yourself very frequently. Free sanitizers will be available for you, which are approved by the Dubai municipality. For increased safety, these sanitizers are contactless and touchless.
3) Social distancing
The management and the staff of the VR park are on duty every time to make sure people are following the given instructions. They make sure that people are staying at a specific distance while enjoying these parks. No one is allowed to violate the distance rules, and they are bound to follow the given instructions. For people standing in queues, stickers are placed on the ground at a specific distance to have a clear idea of the total distance they have to keep.
4) Entries based on age limits
We are very aware that this deadly disease has severe impacts on people of old age and children. The staff on duty checks the Emirates ID of every visitor for the confirmation of the age of people visiting. Only people of defined age that have no serious threats from this disease are allowed to the premises.
Top 3 Precautionary Measures at Themed Parks
Certain rules and guidelines are a must to define to ensure no one becomes the reason for the spread of the virus. These parks have taken strict actions by implementing rules to mitigate the spread of the coronavirus.
Below are some of the precautionary measures taken for your safety.
a) No more than 4 people for a game
These parks provide a wide range of opportunities to play highly interactive games and can be played in groups or individually. Due to the current situation, no more than four members of a family are allowed to play a single game. It is highly prohibited to gather in huge numbers at the same place.
b) Responsible staff
Apart from the preventive measures for the visitors, there are also certain guidelines and rules for the internal staff. All staff members are checked for temperatures regularly, and they are highly responsible. No staff will be seen without wearing a mask or gloves; they also maintain a high level of personal hygiene.
c) VR equipment is sanitized
All the VR equipment, such as the headset and the touchpads, are sanitized after a few intervals. It is very important because various people will be using similar headsets and VR equipment. You will not be able to find such a level of preventive measures in any themed parks. Only a few responsible ones will consider the safety of the visitors and the internal staff in the current situations. So, buy your VR park tickets from to have a safe experience while enjoying your favorite games and rides.
Enjoy these difficult times with safety measures!
You cannot fully exclude the entertainment and fun factors from your life during these difficult times. But it is a must that you follow the given set of standards and rules to make sure no one’s life is at risk. Go to the places that are highly responsible and make sure their visitors are following the COVID safety guidelines.