Reasons to Use a Filter


Home water filtration has several advantages. After reading about these advantages, you may want to consider installing filtration in your household sinks and appliances.

Improved Smell and Taste

Filtered water generally has a superior flavour to unfiltered water. The presence of heavy metals taints the flavour of tap water. Even though most municipal tap water is considered safe, this does not imply that it is free of toxins. Removing these metals from water improves its flavour!

On the other hand, installing a water filter ensures that your home’s water supply is safe for consumption.

The same heavy metals are also responsible for the scent of water that isn’t quite right. You’re less inclined to drink straight from the tap if the water has an unpleasant odour. While contributing to foul odours, volatile organic compounds can also harm your body.

As a bonus, you’ll save money and the planet.

Many individuals buy bottled water to ensure the quality and safety of their water. When, for example, a city’s water supply is being tainted. As a result, you’ll save money on bottled water over time instead of medical bills.

Water in plastic bottles is expensive, but you save money and help the environment at the same time when you use your filtration system. Because of your filter, you’ll need less bottled water. The less plastic you use daily, the less impact you have on the environment.

Taking Care of Yourself

Drinking water can carry some toxins and viruses into your house. A few examples where you cannot use contaminated water include: You can’t brush your teeth, cook, or clean food-related objects. Respiratory difficulties can also be caused by bathing in polluted water.

Water quality is essential if you have young children living in your house. They need pure water to help build their immune systems as they’re growing up. They are more susceptible to illness if they come into contact with pollutants.

Preventing Natural and Man-Made Disasters.

Contaminants can infiltrate your water system if burst city pipes cause significant floods. The material floodwaters that are picked up and brought into your home are not filtered. Therefore you will ingest it unfiltered.

Your water supply may also be contaminated by other sources, such as building sites. It is possible that chemicals utilised on these sites leach into the groundwater and end up in the drinking water. Your drinking water might be poisoned if a construction site is dealing with asbestos. Among the most dangerous substances are those containing asbestos, which can cause serious health problems.

By eliminating chlorine and chlorine byproducts like Trihalomethanes (THMs), water filters significantly lower the incidence of certain malignancies, including rectal, colon, and bladder cancer.

Carbon water filters can remove harmful pollutants from drinking water while preserving good mineral deposits that help maintain the water’s pH level.

Drinking filtered water keeps the body healthy and energetic by reducing the risk of sickness.

Using a water filter, you can have clean, healthful water right at your fingertips, whether you’re cooking or drinking.

By eliminating cryptosporidium and giardia from the water, water filters minimise gastrointestinal illness risk by more than 80%.

Children, in particular, need to drink a lot of water that is free of contaminants. Children’s developing immune systems benefit from drinking water from water filters.

More than 2100 identified poisons may be found in drinking water, and water filters are the body’s final line of defence.

Types of Water Filtration

The two primary water filtration systems in the home are point-of-use and whole-home. Learn more about how these systems can benefit your house in the following sections.

Water Filtration at the Point of Use

Many individuals are content with having clean, filtered water available at their primary kitchen sink. Here makes sense because this is where you get the majority of your drinking and cooking water.

Filtration of Drinking Water in the Whole House

Because of the location, installing this kind of filtration system is a little more complicated. To filter all water entering the house, whole-house water filtration systems must be connected to the main water line.