What Is Schizophrenia: Symptoms, Causes, Treatments

What Is Schizophrenia

Schizophrenia is a prevalent mental disorder in which individuals view reality abnormally. Schizophrenia, which impairs everyday functioning and may be debilitating, may result in any mixture of hallucinations, delusions, and severely disordered thinking and behavior.

People with schizophrenia need a lifetime of treatment. Early treatment can help keep symptoms under control before significant problems occur, which can help improve the long-term outlook.

Dr. Sanjay Jain is a famous psychologist In Jaipur and a known expert on the subject who is adept at dealing with the issues at hand with composure and skill.

What are the Symptoms of Schizophrenia

Symptoms of schizophrenia include behavior and emotions. Signs and symptoms can vary, but they generally include delusions, hallucinations, and speech impairment, reflecting the ability to function with disability.

Certain symptoms can consist of:

  • Disappointments. There are false convictions that are not factually valid. For example, you think you’re being hurt or harassed; certain acts or comments threaten you; you have exceptional talent or fame; another person is in love with you, or there is a big disaster about to happen. In some people with schizophrenia, delusions occur.
  • Hallucinations. Hallucinations usually make a patient see or hear things that do not exist. More often than not, it happens in full effect to the person suffering from schizophrenia. In all senses, hallucinations may occur, but hearing voices is the most prevalent hallucination.
  • Disorganized thinking (speech).  Disorganized thinking is expected from a disorganized expression. Normal contact and touch might be impaired of the lack of relationship between the two elements. The speech will rarely involve throwing together meaningless words, often referred to as word salad, that can not be understood.
  • Motor function is rather disorganized or erratic. This can be evident from a variety of behavioral issues ranging from physical violence to childlike silliness. Actions are not based on a goal, so it isn’t easy to perform tasks. Actions may include resistance to commands, inappropriate or bizarre posture, a complete absence of response, or pointless and repetitive activity.
  • Negative symptoms. This relates to reduced or lack of normal functioning capacity. Say, for example, one might notice the lack of emotions, the lack of personal hygiene in the patient. A hesitation to make eye contact can be noted along with a monotone in the speech. A lack of facial expression can also be seen. The inability to enjoy the moments as well as lack of interest in the daily tasks can be noted too.

Symptoms can vary with passage of time as well as the type of schizophrenia that developed.

In comparison to the symptoms of adult schizophrenia, teens may be:

  • Less likely to conceive of delusions
  • More prone to hallucinations with visuals

In men, schizophrenia symptoms typically begin to show in the age range of 20-25. Though females tend to show these symptoms in the late 20s in the usual cases. It is not usual for children to be diagnosed with schizophrenia and very rare for those who are over the age of 45 years.

When to see a psychologist in Jaipur 

Usually, the ones suffering from schizophrenia are not aware of the fact that they in fact have developed this disorder which usually requires attention from the Psychologist in Jaipur. The onus though often falls on friends or family to get them the much-needed medical attention.

Causes of Schizophrenia

It is not clear what induces schizophrenia, but psychologists in Jaipur believe that a combination of genetics, brain chemistry, and the environment leads to the development of the condition.

One of the main reasons of the development of schizophrenia is the imbalance in the naturally occurring brain chemicals including the neurotransmitters like glutamate and dopamine. Neuroimaging studies demonstrate differences in the brain’s development in persons with schizophrenia and the central nervous system.

Though researchers are not sure of the nature of these changes, schizophrenia is a brain disease, they have concluded.

Causes of Schizophrenia

Risk and other elements

Although the explicit reason for schizophrenia is not clear, some factors appear to increase the risk of schizophrenia developing or triggering it, including:

  • Having a history of family schizophrenia
  • Any pregnancy and birth risks, such as malnutrition or exposure to pollutants or viruses that can affect the development of the brain
  • Take mind-altering (psychoactive or psychotropic) drugs during adolescence and youthful adulthood.


Left untreated, schizophrenia can lead to serious issues that affect every aspect of the patient’s lives and his/her family. The perplexity that is caused due to schizophrenia include:

  • Suicidal tendency.
  • Anxiety and Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) Diseases
  • Problem of Depression 
  • Drug addiction, such as nicotine or other substances
  • Inability to work or to attend school
  • Financial problems and homelessness
  • Social solitude, solitude
  • Health and medical challenges
  • Victimized having been
  • Aggressive behavior, even though it is unusual,


There is no easy way to eliminate schizophrenia, but sticking to the treatment plan will help avoid repetition and relapses of signs and symptoms. As an additional perk, learning and awareness about this mental problem can lead to earlier diagnosis and treatment.


Psychologist In Jaipur puts forth that the diagnosis of schizophrenia requires the elimination of all disorders of mental health and the decision that symptoms are not due to the abuse of drugs, therapy, or medical condition. Schizophrenia determination and diagnosis must include:

  • Body Screening. This can help rule out any symptom-causing disorders and check for any risks associated with them.
  • Screenings and appraisals. This step involves examinations that help rule out the possibilities of conditions with almost the same signs and indications as well as tests for drugs and alcohol. Imaging examinations and tests, such as an MRI or CT scan, may also be requested by a doctor.
  • Psychiatric examination. A therapist or mental health professional tracks mental state by observing appearance and demeanor and questioning thoughts, moods, delusions, hallucinations, substance use, and assessing the risk and chances of physical violence and self-harm. Examinations and tests related to the brain also include a session with the family to know about the family lineage and personal past.


Schizophrenia requires continued treatment, even after symptoms have subsided. The condition can be stabilized by treatment and psychosocial counseling services. In certain cases, hospitalization may be needed.

Therapies are usually provided by specialists who specialize in the treatment of schizophrenia. The recovery team may also include a psychologist, a social worker, a clinical nurse, and potentially a case manager to coordinate treatment. The clinics that have expertise in schizophrenic treatments might have a complete strategy for teams available. 


Antipsychotic treatment is the most effective therapy for schizophrenia.

Medicine will stop the occurrence of:

  • Hallucinations
  • Disappointments
  • The indications of psychosis

Under close medical observation, you will be admitted and receive treatment if psychosis occurs.

Psychosocial intervention

  • A further treatment option for schizophrenia is psychosocial therapy.
  • This includes individual therapy in order to help you cope with depression and your disease.
  • Social training will improve your social and communication abilities.

Vocational rehabilitation

The skills you need to return to work can be supported by vocational rehabilitation. It can encourage the maintenance of a daily job.

Alternative treatments for schizophrenia

Medication is prescribed to treat schizophrenia. Some individuals with the condition may, however, want to seek complementary medicine. Check with the doctor to make sure that the treatment is effective if you want to use these alternative treatments.

The types of alternative therapies employed for schizophrenia include:

  • Vitamin therapy
  • Fish Oil Supplements
  • Glycine Supplements
  • Diet Regulation

However, there is inadequate evidence for these alternative treatments.

Support systems and Coping Mechanisms

Both the family and friends can find it difficult to face schizophrenia. Some ways of coping here are:

  • More detail about schizophrenia. Understanding the severity of disorders can allow the person suffering with the disorder to realize the importance of sticking to the plan of treatment. Training will assist friends and family to accept the disease and be more compassionate to the person who has it.
  • Keep focused on the targets. Managing schizophrenia is an ongoing process. Keeping the goals of therapy in mind will allow the individual with schizophrenia to be excited and inspired all the time. 
  • Avoid the use of drugs and alcohol. The schizophrenia cure can be difficult to some extent because of the use of recreational drugs, nicotine, or alcohol. Get the health care team’s advice on how best to handle this crisis. A call for help from social services. With accessible housing, transportation, and other everyday activities, these programs may be able to help.
  • Learn Stress and Relaxation Control. Stress-reduction approaches such as meditation, yoga, or tai chi may benefit people and loved ones with schizophrenia.


Mental disorders usually create a menace for the patient as well as the friends and family related to the patient.

If you happen to know anybody with the symptoms of the same, contact psychiatrist in Jaipur, Dr. Sanjay Jain for relief and improvement in the quality of life.