Supermassive’s The Quarry is one of the best games


The 2015 release of Until Dawn brought Supermassive Games to the attention of the public. The interactive nature of the game’s quick-time events and multilinear plot allowed users to manipulate the actors in a teen horror film. Following the success of Until Dawn, The Quarry is a 1980s teen horror film with a similar aesthetic.

The Quarry tells the story of one terrifying night in the lives of nine counsellors at Hacketts Quarry, an isolated summer camp in the heart of a forest. A number of well-known performers from the horror film industry, such as Lance Henriksen fortnite store today, David Arquette, Lin Shaye, and Ted Raimi, are voice actors in The Quarry, which contributes to the game’s ominous atmosphere.

The next interactive horror game from Supermassive can be completed in 8 to 10 hours, exactly like the company’s previous titles. According to the game’s developer, there are over 200 endings and uncountable branching paths in The Quarry. A movie mode allows you to play the game as if it were a movie, with planned story twists. While the online multiplayer feature has been postponed until early July, couch co-op allows up to four friends to play the game together by just handing the controller.

The Quarry has no big gameplay modifications compared to Supermassive, although this is not always a bad thing. Also, the storyline of a game meant to be more like a movie than a game must be engaging enough to keep players engaged until the end. Consequently, this remains one of Supermassive’s strengths in The Quarry. Fortunately.

However, this does not imply that the game’s narrative is particularly notable or spectacular. This is a novel twist on a well-known horror trope, and it is executed in a way that will keep the majority of players interested throughout the game. With a few well-placed jump scares tossed in for good measure, many horror fans will enjoy the picture until the very end. Teenage archetypes abound throughout The Quarry, which is not surprising. Despite the lack of innovation in their presentation, the well-developed characters will arouse the interest of many players in their fate.

The character animations in Supermassive’s horror games have been afflicted by the uncanny valley for years, and The Quarry is no different. The characters’ puppet eyes, too mobile faces, and unnatural lip motions continue to be distracting and shatter immersion, despite the fact that each new update demonstrates an overall improvement in aesthetics. Some gamers claim that as the graphic quality of Supermassive’s games has grown, the character animations have become more frightening. It is disappointing that developer technology has not evolved significantly in this area.

The creatures in The Quarry are the least impressive that Supermassive has produced to far. They cannot compete with Wendigo from Until Dawn or House of Ashes or the superbly crafted Vampires, despite their initial beauty. Even as the games progress, the creatures continue to terrify and intrigue, but the monster in The Quarry loses some of its frightening potential. In the beginning of the game, a terrible-sounding creature lurks in the shadows, but it quickly becomes apparent that it is neither dangerous nor distinctive.

Is the game that Supermassive develops a “love it or loathe it” type? Some players may not be interested in “playing” what is essentially a movie with button prompts tossed in, despite the developer’s efforts to keep the narrative intriguing. On the other hand, because these games do not need tremendous dexterity or controller experience, they may be more appealing to non-gamers.

So, in The Quarry, you may activate or disable aim help, modify the completion window, streamline Quick Time Events (QTEs), or just hold or touch keys rather of pushing them. For subtitles, colorblind alternatives and Open Dyslexic typefaces are also available. After losing a character, the player gets three chances to try again. This function was introduced in The Quarry and is known as Death Rewind. If you have advanced beyond this stage, you will lose all of your progress, even if it is only a few scenes or chapters. On the contrary, certain players will appreciate Death Rewind.

Supermassive looks to have altered the gameplay in general, despite the absence of particular enhancements. You no longer have to worry as much about aligning your shot precisely within the target while shooting a gun. Even in previous versions, this decline in difficulty has been recognised, and some feel it is a contributing cause to The Dark Pictures Anthology’s inferiority to Until Dawn. The ability to lessen the game’s difficulty through the game’s choices may have been a better choice for players who do not wish to play at the most challenging level. Unmodified basic difficulty may not be sufficient for certain individuals.

The PC version of the game supports all controllers and includes vibrations that may be utilised to improve the gameplay. It was difficult to use a controller since the user interface constantly going back to keyboard commands. As the appropriate buttons were not displayed on-screen, the player had to quickly guess what to press in order to complete the initial QTE procedures. Hopefully, this is only a minor bug that the developers can quickly correct.

In addition, the game contains a number of inconsistencies, such as Jacob’s ability to carry items while wearing only his underwear and a complex barrier’s unexpected disintegration mid-game. With a style that sets a premium on authenticity in aesthetics and animation, non-realistic elements stand out even more. If a creature’s design was modified without corresponding changes to its script, it begs the issue of why the descriptions of its characters do not match what is actually displayed in-game. As a result of these deviations, disturbing moments occur, making it difficult, if not impossible, to sustain the necessary level of confidence.

The somewhat ludicrous behaviour of the characters is in keeping with this philosophy. Despite being adolescents, this group makes some foolish choices. The first time an attack strikes, they gather outside for a brief drawing session rather than relocating to a safer location inside. They are always engaged in activities that might have been performed during the day. Some of these characteristics are essential for the storyline scarlet commander, but it is more difficult to feel sympathy for a character whose death is the result of poor decision-making in a video game than for a character whose death is the result of their own acts.

The Quarry, Supermassive’s latest attempt, is mainly successful, despite a few issues that distract from the overall enjoyment of the game. If you’re searching for a role-playing game with a fun but unremarkable narrative, you’ll be satisfied with this one. The Quarry is one of the best games from the makers of Until Dawn in recent memory, delivering on its promise of a campy horror experience.