The 5 Step Guide to How to Build A Successful Employee Training System


Do you have a training department? If not, you’ll need to start creating one. Even if you don’t currently have a formal training department, you should still create one. Not only will it help you grow your company and expand your reach into different businesses, but it will also save time in the long run. 

Each time an employee goes through training, it costs money. This money can be used for other purposes or eliminated altogether by not having to pay for employee training. Creating a training department will save both time and money in the long run. Here are 5 ways to build a successful employee training system:

Define The Purpose Of The Employee Training System And Make Sure It’s Relevant To Your Company.

If you’re unsure how to define the purpose of your Employee Training System, the easiest thing to do is test it out. Start by creating a training program that’s specific to your company and see if anyone notices the difference. If not, it’s probably not necessary for your company to have an employee training system. But keep in mind that your employees may benefit from it, so it’s important to make sure it’s relevant to your company.

Make The Employee Training System Process Absolutely User-Friendly.

Most companies have multiple layers of administration that need to be reconciled, reorganized, and streamlined. The best way to do that is through an online system. Make sure to keep your processes simple, user-friendly, and easy to understand.

Create A Library Of Resources That Employees Can Search For.

When employees need to go through training, they should be able to find the information they need easily. This could be in the form of a digital library or a printed resource catalog. 

Creating a digital library is cheaper than a printed catalog, but it takes up more space on your computer. A good idea would be to create a digital resource catalog that employees can search through and find what they need quickly.

Make Meetings Online Or By Phone.

Having virtual meetings is a great way to save on costs and improve productivity. It allows you to keep a lower profile while still staying connected and on the same page. Here are a few reasons why virtual meetings are a good idea: You can hold more meetings without bringing a paper chain into the mix. 

No travel involved — no need to hire air travel for remote meetings. You can focus on what’s happening in the room instead of worrying about paper and technology getting in the way. You can keep track of who’s in the room and who’s talking, which will help you stay focused on what’s happening in the room instead of on who’s saying what.

Track And Measure The Effectiveness Of Your Employee Training System— And Be Transparent About It.

Even if your employee training system is working fine, you should still track its effectiveness. This will help you understand what needs improvement and what works. In addition, you can use these metrics to get feedback from your employees so you can improve your system. 

If you have an online system for employee training, track the time it takes for employees to search for information, how often they find what they’re looking for, and the percentage of time they click on links or go through forms. Keep track of the referrals your system gets from employees, too. This will help you understand how well your system is working and who you’re serving.


Employee training is essential to success in the workforce. It can help your people get their foot in the door and build better habits that will last a lifetime. Creating a successful employee training system is not just about how you design the training, but also how you use the training. Here are 5 ways to build a successful employee training system

  • Define the purpose of the employee training system and make sure it’s relevant to your company. 
  • Make the employee training system process absolutely user-friendly. Create a library of resources that employees can search for. 
  • Make meetings online or by phone. Track and measure the effectiveness of your employee training system— and be transparent about it. 

If you have an online system for employee training, track the time it takes for employees to search for information, how often they find what they’re looking for, and the percentage of time they click on links or go through forms. 

Keep track of the referrals your system gets from employees, too. This will help you understand how well your system is working and who you’re serving.