The Ten Commandments Of The Lifeguard | ALA


Being a lifeguard is a serious job, the safety of many people depends on the good work of the lifeguard service, both in terms of prevention and rescue. In addition to training, there are a series of important keys, these are our ten commandments… which we leave open so that you can add those you consider appropriate:

  1. Get Trained

It is very important that you know what you do, because and how you do it, being a lifeguard is not walking around in a uniform in the sun, the training includes prevention, surveillance techniques, first aid, communications, rescue techniques, boats, cardiopulmonary resuscitation, treatment of spinal cord injuries, psychological, legal issues…

The people who hold this position must be well trained, both in theory and practice. Appropriate lifeguard training provides tools to develop the functions of a lifeguard, both to prevent and to act if necessary. 

The American Lifeguard Association has the best lifeguard training programs in all the big cities of the US making it easy to find the best lifeguard training near you.

  1. Keep Fit

It is evident that part of our work requires physical effort. Getting to the victim as quickly as possible requires people who can run and swim fast and perform a smooth rescue. After towing a drowning person you may need to perform resuscitation. All this requires a significant physical effort, it is important that you maintain your physical condition throughout the season. We are committed to practical exercises, they help us maintain and value our form.

  1. Recycle your Knowledge

The protocols are changing, new ones are created, existing ones are modified, new materials appear, and new ways of using them, and being up to date with advances is vital, it makes our work more effective. Specialists in the field study and investigate daily to bring us closer to conclusions based on scientific evidence.

  1. Self-protection

Respect the order of priority: 1st the SOS, 2nd your colleagues, 3rd the victim. We do not want to increase the number of victims. So first of all worry about your safety and that of your team so that later you can help people who need it. The first rule of self-protection is to preserve one’s own security. “No rescuer, no rescue.”

  1. Prevention, Prevention and Prevention

We will not tire of repeating it to you, the most important part of our work is to prevent, there is no better rescue than the one that does not occur. Mark the currents, monitor users at higher risk, warn bathers of dangerous behaviour… Prevention of occupational hazards is also important, protect yourself.

Also Find Out: ALA lifeguard classes near me

  1. Keep Calm and Apply Common Sense

It is true that it is important to go quickly in an emergency, but take the minimum time to assess the situation and decide on the actions, protocols, who to notify, and the material you need… calm and common sense.

  1. Work as a Team

How important teamwork is for lifeguards! Lifeguard training programs focus on teamwork. Working in coordination is vital for our safety and of course for the success of our work. Your colleagues are there when you start a rescue, pending your progress and to see if you need help, to wait for you with the necessary material equipment when you remove a victim, to relieve you by resuscitating, to send you a support boat, to give you encouragement…

  1. Practice, Practice and More Practice to Control Stress

The more times you practice a protocol and the more internalized you have it, the easier it will be for you to put it into practice when the time comes. A good way to control the inevitable nerves in a tense situation is to be clear and have repeated many times what to do, practical exercises will help you control your nerves and stay calm.

  1. Know Your Workplace

Whether you are outdoors or in a closed facility look and check your workplace. Knowing the characteristics, the places where problems can appear, and the areas with the greatest risk of accidents, help us in our prevention work and saves us time in the event of an accident.

  1. You are not a hero, you are a lifeguard… which is no small thing!