Things That You Need to Know About Diabetes

Medicine, diabetes, health care concept. Close up of Stethoscope with Glucose meter for check blood sugar level, lancet, tape measure and green vegetable fresh tomato, cucumber coriander and scallion.

Diabetes is a severe disease in which our body stops producing insulin or is unable to use them. Insulin is a hormone produced by the pancreas that helps in regulating the amount of sugar in our blood. In an average functioning body, when blood sugar level rises above a certain level, the pancreas produces insulin that helps in transferring excessive blood sugar to our cells.

There can be many causes of diabetes; in most cases, this is mainly related to genetic/hereditary. Also, there are two types of diabetes Type 1 and Type 2, and the causes related to each of them is different, reasons for Type-1 are as follows:

  • The pancreas doesn’t make any insulin.
  • The pancreas produces very little insulin.
  • Your body is not able to utilize insulin.

Now let us look how Type-1 Diabetes can be controlled; it is mainly controlled by taking insulin injections or using an insulin pump. In such a condition, the patient is dependent on an outside source for insulin. It is worth noting that for a healthy human body, it also depends on below-mentioned factors:

• Food(Salad with Protein sources.)

• Exercise

• Stress

• Emotions and general health

For Type-2 diabetes, these are the common causes:

  • High blood pressure or triglyceride (fat) levels
  • Gestational diabetes
  • High-fat and carbohydrate diet or high alcohol intake
  • Sedentary lifestyle/Obesity or being overweight

Type-2 diabetes is treated by improving the body reaction to excessive blood sugar; this is mainly done by doing proper exercise, taking proper diet and medications are also advised. Even after incorporating all these your blood sugar doesn’t go down, it’s time to take medications, and there are different types of drugs out there, one of the most common is Farxigathis is the most common medications out there that are advised with proper exercise, diet to lower down the blood sugar level in YOUR body.

Always try your best to follow the doctor’s instructions as it can lead to serious ramifications if you don’t follow your doctor instructions. And if you are pregnant, then it is advised that you consult your doctor before taking this medicine as it can have a profound health impact on the mother health as well as that of the baby. 

There are also other things to note before you take medicine. You should not use if you have any of the following:

  • Severe Kidney Disease
  • If you have liver or kidney disease
  • If you have bladder infections or other urination problems;
  • If you have low blood pressure;
  • If there is something wrong with your pancreas
  • if you drink alcohol often or you are on a low salt diet.

Where to buy these medicines?

It is a ubiquitous question that must be going into your mind; there are different kinds of offline and online stores that are out there from where you can buy this medicine. You can check various online platforms and chose the one that provides medications at affordable prices.