Things to know before applying for a  new job


If you’re planning on changing careers or are new to the job market, this article is for you. In this how to write a resume guide we will go over what every resume writer needs to know before applying for a new job. I will be going through the steps I would take to make my resume perfect before I send it in for consideration and recommend all readers do the same. Additionally, I will be touching on tools i.e Resume Builders. Let’s get started.

Go through Job Listings 

Before you start applying for a job you have to find a job to apply to. Job listings can be found, online, and in newspapers, and you can come across various help wanted signs on a casual walk or by word of mouth. No matter how you find the job make sure you only take those jobs into consideration that fit you best. Now make a list of all jobs that caught your eye and fit your repertoire and let’s get to work. 

How to write a resume using Keywords 

Now that you’ve got your list of job opportunities let’s go through all of them to find Keywords. Keywords are those words that are present in the job description section of a job listing that employers expect to see in an applicant’s resume. These can be a certain level of experience or specific skill an individual needs to do the job that will be expected of them. Almost all job descriptions will contain these keywords listed and it’s up to you to decide which ones fit your repertoire and how to incorporate them into your resume.

Work Experience 

Now that you have established what the employer is expecting from a viable employee let’s move on to your work history. This is the professional experience that you have gained throughout your career and your targeted resume should only consist of the most relevant work experience per the job description. 

An easier way to understand this is to put yourself in the employer’s shoes. If you as an employer require a Web Developer for a project and come across a Resume that has nothing to do with Web Development would you consider that individual as a viable employee? No.

Skills For a Resume 

Skills for a resume can be categorized into two, Hard and Soft Skills. 

Hard Skills are the skills that an applicant is required to possess to complete the day to day that will be expected of them for example HTML and CSS for a Web Designer. 

Soft Skills for a resume are the more personality-based skills one acquires after a period of working in any professional environment.

Skills for a targeted resume can be determined in the same way as the Work History. That is to say, the skills that you enter into your resume should contain any skills that you may possess and are also mentioned in the job description of a job listing. 


The education section of a resume for someone with more than a year of professional experience should consist of the Degree, Field of Study, Name of University, Name of City/State, and Year of Graduation. 

However, if you’re a newcomer to the professional world then it’s important to emphasize your education section as much as possible. This means you should mention your GPA and any coursework that is relevant to the desired job.


Finally, always remember to read through your resume once you’re done. You would be surprised to know how many candidates fall short of landing their desired job just because they skipped this step. Simple grammatical, semantic, and syntactic mistakes can leave an unprofessional impression on potential employers and can lead to the resume never being considered for an interview callback. 

After finishing up with your resume you can also ask a friend or family member to go through your resume and make adjustments to it according to their feedback. 

Resume Builder 

As mentioned before it is recommended to create targeted resumes for each desired job opportunity but this can be a very tedious and time-consuming activity and for that, I recommend that readers use a resume builder. 

Resume Builders are simply online automated resume compilers that after getting some basic information from users use a step-by-step approach to making a fully optimized resume all the while guiding users with the content of the resume. 

A resume builder is an easy-to-use tool that can be utilized by newbies and veterans alike. 

How to write a Resume Using the My Resume Lift Resume Builder

My resume lift resume builder is one of the best resume builders available on in the market today. Not only does it assist resumes and teach users how to write a resume but using the My Resume Lift resume builder users can be assured that their resumes are ATS Optimized and formatted. The My Resume Lift Resume Builder offers its users a wide range of Resume Templates that they can choose from to reflect their personalities and catch the recruiter’s eye. So if you were to ask me How to write a resume most quickly and easily possible, my answer as a professional resume writer would be to use the My Resume Lift Resume Builder.