What Are The Advantages of Using BigCommerce for Designing a Site

BigCommerce website design
BigCommerce website design

In the online space, eCommerce platforms are emerging daily. And that makes it typical to sustain the business growth. The reason is they accommodate the advanced features and functionalities that ensure it is essential to upgrade the site design. Therefore, it is vital to select the platform that coincides with the latest innovations and design capabilities. Possessing 170 themes and 1000 applications, and an open API, BigCommerce came out to be the best platform. It holds several options to scale and customize the wholesale and retail business. In addition to this, there are many other statements that make BigCommerce website design an evident choice for your site needs. Let’s find them out below!

What makes BigCommerce the only choice for Website Designing

Easy Accessibility

The first and foremost thing to consider while designing the site is its ease and BigCommerce gives so. This is what makes it the go-to choice for designers and developers. Those who are not tech-oriented do not need to know and understand coding to use this eCommerce platform.  There are applications that can be integrated into a single click whereas the drag and drop option makes using themes easy. 

From the “open API” choice, the BigCommerce developer in Singapore can carry out customization on each part of the online store. With a simple change in the CSS and HTML code, it is all possible.

Seamless Creation of Dynamic Storefront

BigCommerce Stencil CLI is one of those innovations in the process of website creation. This is used by the developers for carrying out changes to the templates without hampering the live eCommerce site. It gives an undistributed environment for theme customization and knowing if the changes are accurate. For advanced and comprehensive changes, the command line interface is an ideal choice. However, it demands you to have coding knowledge. 

In addition, the WYSIWYG theme editor enables the BigCommerce developers to amend the site features. The best part is that it does not demand any programming skills to change the colors, font size, and the number of products to show. That’s the reason, there are 49,712 live websites created on BigCommerce. 

All themes leverage Browsersync to showcase the changes carried out on the desktop, laptop, or mobile. If you require deep customization, then, the experts can implement the general languages, such as YAML conventions, Handlebars, and SCSS/Sass; however, it does not hinder any other functionality. 

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Mobile Compatible Themes

The Stencil CLI themes are compatible with Google AMP. But, every theme of BigCommerce is optimized for mobile devices; considerably, it is an essential factor for more conversions. The percentage of those using mobile is increasing flawlessly; they are searching, buying, investing, and many more other tasks on mobile only. Therefore, having a strong online presence on mobile is essential for more conversions. And, BigCommerce makes it easy for you. With the right pick of themes, you can make your website design ensure mobile responsiveness. However, there are responsive web design companies in Singapore that could be your helping hand. They implement the tried and tested strategies so that your site gets higher visibility, at the same time, making the user experience the best.  

More Web Designing Options And Easy Editing With CSS and HTML

The experienced BigCommerce Development Companies can change the theme for your site if the existing one is not up to the mark. However, for the BigCommerce developers, it is not complicated to customize the theme with HTML and CSS editors. Simply, they can download and function on the themes in offline mode. Yes, without any issue of disordering. Furthermore, uploading the theme with the made changes is done easily to go live. Template customization does not require any coding, it is simply an option to choose and complete the process. 

Advanced Theme Edit Options

The BigCommerce platform lets you edit the themes in the browser, and it is possible with the Edit Theme Files. You can access it on the BigCommerce stencil CLI. This could be used for:

  • Making small edits that are not possible with page builder.
  • Include scripts to incorporate the application which cannot be included with the BigCommerce Script Manager tool.

For using it, you must be well-versed in Handlebars.js, CSS, and HTML. In case, there is no proficiency in the mentioned languages, then, you have to hire an expert BigCommerce developer in Singapore to make the process seamless and helpful for you. 

Page Builder For Website Layout Adjustment

One of the visual editors in the BigCommerce platform is Page Builder.  The role of which is to modify the website layout; also make the required customizations with code. The best part is that every theme on BigCommerce has Page Builder compatibility. Using it, you can simply re-arrange, remove or add the page elements. Also, the other elements like text size and color can also be adjusted. 

Additional Perks of Using BigCommerce for Site Designing

Positively, every template has the capabilities of marketing and sales tools. Though the site demands particular applications, then, some are integrated simply with a single click into online platforms, like, Etsy, eBay, Google Shopping, and Amazon. Below are other features it incorporates:

Analytics on Abandoned Cart 

It sends emails to those customers who have abandoned the purchase and completed the buying process. Noticeably, the retailers have experienced a hike of 30% in the conversion rate using the feature defined. 

Easy tracking and management of stocks 

The platforms set up the protocols and the levels of inventory left for each product. With emails, the level of stock gets notified either out of the defined level or less in amount. 

Creates Coupon Codes

You can create coupons for advertisements or promotions; consequently improving sales. Simply with a dashboard, you can handle all and prioritize other valuable tasks, like shipping, geotargeting, etc. 

Concluding Remarks

BigCommerce for your needs of website design in Singapore makes it easy for you to create a layout appealing with more flexibility and functionality.  As we have mentioned how it would be beneficial for eCommerce web designing needs, you need to consider the below points also:

  • Remember the role of mobile responsiveness
  • The design has to be uncluttered and simple
  • Only include the high-quality videos and images
  • Design must be even and define your brand
  • Easy navigation is a must
  • Design testing and refinement must be prioritized

Are you using BigCommerce or any other eCommerce platform? Is it helpful for your business? Let us know!