What are the Pros and Cons of online classes for students

online classes for students
What are the Pros and Cons of online classes for students

On the backdrop of the pandemic, online tutoring in Singapore have become a norm in the education sector. While learning in a physical classroom do have its benefits, there are some benefits that online classes have that physical lessons do not. 


No longer the need to travel

This is a clear-cut benefit for online classes. Students and tutors understand how much of an hassle it take to bring their books with them to go for classes. Whenever we engage a private tutor, it is either the tutor or student (sometimes both) that has to travel to meet at a location for the tuition. With online classes, everyone can just turn attend the classes by turning their computers on. This also greatly reduce a lot of time spend on travelling allowing students to move on to their next activity of the day almost immediately.

Easy for a group of students to engage a single tutor

Ever want to engage a tutor with friends to share the cost? Online classes have made it easier! If a group of students want to engage a private tutor Singapore, all of them can get to do so at the comfort of their own homes. Furthermore, levying on technology, online interactive boards can also enhance the level of learning. There are many tools online that allow multiple users to contribute to a single mind map or chart at the same time. This help promotes group learning where students bounce their ideas of each other. One can also print the document out after the notes are done. And for students who are shy in asking questions verbally, most online platforms do allow users to type out their questions in the chat box, allowing students to ask their questions in a less disruptive manner where tutor can then answer them when they are done. 

Statement: You can use apps where you will be able to explore more people and communicate with them. You will find a lot of interesting people with whom you will be able to share jokes thoughts and can become friends too.

Ability to record the class

This is one of the greatest advantages of online classes. Gone are the days where students have to jot down every single point that the tutor verbalized (regardless whether it is important). With online classes, students can review the recordings of the tuition classes while they are doing their revision. Some students do benefit from listening to the recordings multiple times to gain clarity on more complex concepts. More importantly, students also have the option to pause the recordings to jot down notes that they think are important. Should students still require further help, they can always contact their tutor and enquire about the specific point that the tutor mentioned during the class. 


That being said, online classes also do have its own set of drawbacks. The main drawback being distraction – some might equate online lessons to lack of supervision as the tutors do not know what the students are doing on their side of the screens. 

That being said, this is all part and parcel of getting accustomed to the working life. This might sound a little farfetched, but the truth is that the earlier you get accustomed to getting things done online, the faster you can ease yourself into the working world. The concept of working from home started actually started few years back and the pace of companies adopting it has been accelerated by the pandemic. Therefore, starting to take lessons online since young is part of cultivating the trait of discipline.

Aside, there might be comments that online tuition makes it difficult for tutors to help students visualize certain concepts. In fact, there are plenty of virtual dashboard or whiteboard online that help tutors to teach effectively over a screen. 

All in all, online classes have been popular all around the world and starting to gain traction in Singapore. The benefits definitely do outweigh the mitigatable drawbacks.