Women in Business Marketing – Breaking the glass ceiling


The majority of today’s marketing employees in creative advertising companies are women. Despite the fact that women are often praised for being better communicators, this claim alone does not explain why so many women choose to pursue education and careers in this dynamic profession of a creative advertising company.

Business marketing is unique from all other business areas, especially in a creative advertising company. Anyone may start at the bottom and advance to the top in this expanding sector. Additionally, it is a setting for women to work in a flexible capacity alongside motivated, like-minded colleagues. Finally, it’s an area where women can demonstrate their value using quantitative facts. A Bachelor of Business Administration in Marketing and a job in marketing may be for you if you’re thinking about a profession where progress and success are defined by education, experience, and competence.

Breaking the Glass Ceiling

There is no hiding the gender pay disparity. It’s a recurring issue that affects many sectors and has only marginally improved over the previous several decades. Due to issues including gender discrimination, occupational segregation, and educational inequality, women still only earn roughly 85% of what men do. Fortunately, the obstacles standing in the way of equality at work are being identified and methodically removed; this movement toward parity is especially pronounced in the marketing sector, printing agencies, and a creative advertising company.

Making sales is just one aspect of a marketing job. It involves a solid grasp of business basics, the ability to design marketing strategies by analyzing markets, rivals, and consumer behavior, and the capacity to put those ideas into practice. Although effective communication skills are essential for a marketing job, your future marketing success will ultimately depend on your capacity to make judgments that produce results.

  1. Step in a growing field

The total employment of advertising, promotion, and marketing managers is expected to increase by 8% from 2018 to 2028, which is faster than the average for all professions, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS). Because businesses are always trying to create and expand their online and physical presence, the number of marketing positions for women is steadily rising. This implies that marketing experts will always be needed, which is an advantage that cannot be understated, especially during these difficult economic times for the country. You will be joining a flexible sector with a bright future, whether your interests are in digital, multichannel, or e-commerce marketing.

If you’re just starting out in marketing, switching jobs within the industry, or aiming for higher management, earning a marketing degree may help you obtain your dream job. A renowned degree is necessary for obtaining the wage and position you want in the fair but competitive field of marketing.

  1. Maintain a Harmonious Work-Life Balance

Even while they are undoubtedly benefitting, not everyone is drawn to the marketing industry for the money or stability. Many women choose to pursue marketing degrees because they have the opportunity to work in a job that is flexible enough to fit their lifestyle. Women in marketing may take advantage of a flexible workplace and schedule since the majority of their work is done online. Imagine being able to carry out your work obligations from any location in the world. If you know the Wi-Fi password, you might use a café in London or a hotel room in New York as your workstation. For many professional women, having a flexible schedule is even more important.

  1. Succeed in an Ambient of Creativity and Collaboration

You may still be a valuable team member even though you’ll have the flexibility to work when and when you please. Learning with other students who wish to develop their natural abilities and interacting with a group of experts working toward a shared goal are two requirements for pursuing a career in marketing. At every level of your schooling and profession, there is nothing quite like bouncing ideas off your peers.

If you are a woman who is a skilled communicator, your abilities will be useful to you in an advertising agency. In order to anticipate and meet your target audience’s demands, you must communicate not just with your staff but also with them. Your creative spirit and communication abilities will lead to a fulfilling career no matter where you end up in the marketing industry.