10 Foods that Should not be Eaten on An Empty Stomach

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 Breakfast occupies a very important place in the human diet. Therefore, the choice of food consumed on an empty stomach must be approached wisely. For example, flour products lead to apathy, citrus fruits can cause gastritis, and coffee with milk or cream can cause kidney stones. In this article, we will look at the most popular foods, and what their use on an empty stomach can lead to.

Most often are stomach is empty when we wake up. So you should be careful with the choice of food you are to make after waking up. Some foods when eaten in an empty stomach can cause serious health problems. Let’s see which foods you should not in breakfast when your stomach is empty.

What Is Bad for Breakfast?

1- Pears 

Like our ancestors, a pear is indeed a poison for the body in the morning and a rose in the evening. In other words, eating pears on an empty stomach is not worth it. And this is because the fruit contains coarse fiber that can injure the mucous organs of the digestive system, especially fraught with the consumption of an empty stomach fruit with a very dense texture since they have a large amount of fiber. 

So if you open a fridge and find pears, stop your hands from moving towards them. They can make the day tough for you. It will be better if you save it for later, maybe for the evening. But for now, grab some milk or eggs.

2- Yeast 

Yeast is harmful in itself – even for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. It is evil! And eating yeast foods on an empty stomach leads to the production of stomach gas, which causes the stomach to swell. 

Not a pleasant sensation, agree? Therefore, you should avoid eating yeast, doesn’t matter which meal of the day it is. Spoiling the health in the morning means a bad day ahead. We recommend you to get rid of all the yeasts from your kitchen.

3- Coffee

 Many people cannot imagine a morning without coffee. And now there are even more coffee shops, the fashion says “take coffee with you”, “drink coffee and more, you will be cheerful.” What’s really going on! By drinking coffee on an empty stomach, you tease the stomach lining due to caffeine.

 As a result, gastric juice is secreted, and if you do not eat anything, then the stomach turns into an aggressor. And the mucous membrane begins to erode, which is fraught with the appearance of gastritis. Caffeine also irritates the gallbladder. It contracts begins to emit bile, which is necessary for the digestion of food. If it has nothing to assimilate, it begins to pass through the human body. 

Some might argue that milk can soften the effects of coffee. We will disappoint you on this thought. Coffee and tea contain astringents, which combine with milk proteins to form insoluble compounds. They are deposited in the form of kidney stones. 

4- Alcoholic Drinks

Many people, who can’t get over alcohol, do not even leave it in the morning. Sipping an alcoholic drink with an empty stomach is so harmful. It will affect the bloodstream directly. 

Though it not a good idea to have such a drink in the afternoon, or any time of the day, but having it in the breakfast is the worst. You need to cure alcohol dependency before it’s too late.

5- Milk Yogurt

 According to TV ads, they contain beneficial bacteria to help digest food. Once it goes on an empty stomach, these benefits are absorbed by the gastric juice. 

In other words, this dairy product on an empty stomach is not only harmful but generally useless for your body. If you consume milk, then it is better to drink yogurt after meals. Don’t forget about separate meals! 

6- Sweets 

This includes sugar, candy, and even sweet fruits (such as a banana). Once in the body, sugar is absorbed very quickly and begins to irritate the pancreas. The result is the production of insulin. 

Due to which the blood sugar drops immediately and the person feels apathetic and tired. 

Do not eat sugary foods and drink on an empty stomach. You do not want to have a bad day ahead. So be careful about the breakfast choices.

7-     Citrus Fruit 

They contain a large amount of acid, which, as you might guess, will eat away at the stomach lining on an empty stomach. If you do not have any diseases related to digestion, you do not have heartburn after consuming acidic foods, then this advice is not for you. 

But don’t overdo it anyway! Remember that everything is good in moderation! For those who have gastritis, ulcers, and other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, then it is better to refuse freshly squeezed citrus juices on an empty stomach. 

8- Cold Water

 It causes vasoconstriction of the stomach. Blood circulation is impaired and therefore the absorption of food becomes worse. Some people might think it is a good idea but you are just ruining the functionality of the body by drinking cold water after waking up.

9- Garlic 

Its action is similar to the principle of action of coffee on the mucous membrane and gallbladder. It hits the lining of the stomach and irritates it. Do not eat raw or cooked garlic in the first meal of the day.

10- Persimmon 

Persimmons contain a lot of indigestible fibers that slow down the motility of the stomach and intestines. As many know, strong astringent fruits have this quality. Better eat it in the afternoon than in the morning.

What Should Be The Right And Healthy Breakfast?

So what can you eat on an empty stomach? An ideal breakfast is eating unsweetened fruits with nuts (pre-soaked in water) or smoothies made from the same fruits, green vegetables (cucumber, for example), and herbs. These products are very useful and energize for the whole day. 

We also recommend that you familiarize yourself with incompatible products (over-cooked, junk food, alcoholic drink) that are dangerous to human health. Many of these “pairs” are consumed by people for breakfast.

Summing Up

 Breakfast is the main and the first meal of the day. It should be healthy and nutritious. The above food should never be a part of your regular breakfasts. Otherwise, you will have to face consequences during the rest of the day.