Be in Toronto with a tourist visa

tourist visa

Canada has one of the greatest tourist attractions in the world that everyone must go to this country once. Fortunately, a tourist visa can be taken for 6 months. 

Balloon Tours in Ontario

There are many reasons why one should get a  tourist visa for Canada for Indians. One of these tourist attractions include the balloon tours of Ontario. The balloon tours of this province include flying in a hot air balloon and watching the amazing landscape of this province from a height. These hot air balloon tours are operated by various companies in this province. So, you have a memorable time, staring at the city from a gondola basket and then landing up in a field. So, there has been a lot of talk about such rides.

Stanley Park

Another amazing place where one should be is the Stanley Park. This park is adjacent to the Vancouver Bay and therefore you get to spend your time on beaches when you are here. There is also a forest in the Stanley Park and you have an exotic trip plan amidst nature when you are in this Park. You can take your family on a long-awaited hiking trip in this park.

If you are not ready for hiking, you can go for, ride around the park in a carriage drawn by horses. This can be an ideal romantic trip for you given that the park has an area of, 400 hectares.

This park gets an astounding number of almost 8 million tourists here every year and with the tourist visa for Canada for Indians, you can be one of those lucky few. You can explore this park by taking an 8.8 km walk around its perimeter. Or you can also walk in the park without having a planned trip, and explore the beautiful terrain of the park consisting of mountains, and get a selfie clicked here and there. So, this can be an amazingly planned trip for your wife and kids.

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Jasper National Park

It’s also an amazing way to have those rarest of rare moments in Canada. Situated in Alberta, this park has everything you can hope to see, glaciers and mountains. So, you can plan to climb the Mount Edith Cavell which is 11,033 feet high. The tourists can have complete fun here with activities planned for them like skiing and camping. You can also get to look at the exotic wildlife found here consisting of bears and moose. There is also a road called the Icefields Parkway in the midst of a park in which you can have a stroll with your wife. Every year 23 lakh visitors come here to this park.

So, apply for a tourist visa to Canada and get to be a part of all such moments spent in the lap of nature. The country of Canada has so much to offer which is rare for anybody. No one can get to stare at glaciers, mountains, and lakes which is only possible in Canada. After you apply for a tourist visa to Canada, you can get to see such sights and give your life a new meaning.