What Is The Best Product To Clean Shower Tiles? Shower Tiles Cleaning


Bathroom tiles and shower places are all about keeping these areas clean and free of grime. For this, you need to assure the regular shower tiles cleaning patterns and techniques. Most of the time, shower tiles become dirty and greasy due to water deposit on it.

For this, you need to keep the bathroom tiles clean and dirt free to get them the sparkling and refreshing overall look of the bathroom. Moreover, it’s necessary to remove the grime and soap scum on the shower tiles appropriately while cleaning shower tiles.

So, to remove soap scum and dust on the tiles, you need to mop and sweep the tiles regularly. Otherwise, it will lead to worse cleaning and health issues. Moreover, if you are not removing the residue on tiles on time then it will stick permanently on it. On the other hand, it will turn the tiles black as well as allow the growth of mould and mildew due to moisture.

For this, you can’t neglect the appropriate regular cleaning as well as professional cleaning of shower tiles by choosing the right type of shower tiles cleaner or natural ingredients. Besides this, if you don’t clean the tiles regularly then grout will also become dirty and cause for the growth of numbers of germs and bacteria that can lead to serious health conditions.

So, if you are looking for a few effective ways to clean the shower tiles then will provide the complete guide for you in this article. Through this, you don’t need to utilize enough money to get professional cleaning services when you can do it at home by choosing the right cleaning products and ingredients.


Prepare The Area To Clean:

Pre-treatment of the shower area is necessary to get rid of soap scums and dry dirt on the tiles. For this, wipe out the tiles simply with plain water for 15 minutes. It will help to remove all the dust and debris on the tiles easily.

For this, you can also use the hot water for the better removal of dirt and dust while shower tiles cleaning. Moreover, it will open up all the pores efficiently with the help of steam extracting from ho water.

After that, you can use natural ingredients as the tiles cleaner. It will offer cheap and effective cleaning results without damaging the quality and colour of tiles. So, you can use the vinegar with water while doing the pre-treatment of tiles to remove all kind of dirt and stains.

Make A Natural Cleaning Agent:

To make the natural cleaner for cleaning shower tiles, mix the baking soda with the water and make a thick paste with better consistency. If the paste has better consistency then it will offer the excellent cleaning results.

So, add more baking soda in the paste if required. To remove the hard stains and spills, you can also use the hydrogen peroxide in the paste instead of water. Now, apply the mixture on the tiles and leave it at least for 45 minutes.

However, if the stains are hard then you can leave it overnight. Moreover, you can also use this mixture on grout lines to clean all surface. It will help to remove the grime, scums and stains on the tiles effectively without damaging.


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Scrub The Tiles With A Stiff Brush:

After applying the mixture of baking soda and water, do the scrubbing of tiles with the help of a stiff brush in a circular motion. However, don’t apply the extensive pressure while scrubbing and shower tiles cleaning. it will scratch the tiles as well as grout lines. So, do it gently.

To remove the hard stains, you can use the toothbrush for better scrubbing results. It will cover all the small as well as large areas and clean out all the stains appropriately like mild tiles cleaner. However, if the stains are stubborn then you can also use the detergent or bleach with fewer chemicals on it.

After applying the bleach, do the scrubbing of tiles with the help of electric scrubbing tool. It will minimize the effort as well as offer the desired cleaning results. However, make sure to wear gloves and masks while treating the tiles with bleach or a chemical.

After cleaning the tiles, wipe out the tiles appropriately and dry them. Turn on all the fans after the completion of the cleaning process. It will extract all the moisture in the environment or on the tiles to prevent the growth of mould and mildew due to moisture.

Although, bleaches and chemicals minimize the cleaning time and effort. But these products can damage the tile’s colour and quality permanently. So, it’s better to use natural ingredients and products to clean the tiles. Moreover, it will offer a healthy, comfortable and germs free environment for better living.