Five key tips for translators to follow


The translation is a creative process that involves technicalities too. It gets draining at times. There are different requirements of the languages. The translators have to work according to the demands of the relevant language. Things could be different for the translation in Thai and Filipino translation services.

Global audiences always prefer translation into their native language. There are certain expressions and content that get tough to translate and at times translators fail to translate it the way they should to keep the flow and consistency. The ambiguity in the content and translated version can further lose the meaning and cause confusion.

There is always room for improvement in every task and field. Translators can excel more if they consider certain features while translating the content for foreign audiences. However, there are basic points that translators can look for and work on so that the translation can be done more accurately.

  1. Go for Brief sentences

This is of extreme importance. Translators often keep on dragging the content which causes the content to lose its flow and coherence. The sentences should be short and brief so that the reader doesn’t get bored while reading them. Long sentences often lose the customers and they fail to temp much audience.

Brief sentences allow the readers to comprehend well and they also find it simple. Translators should understand how a different language refers to a different audience and they should follow the particular tips to deliver professional Filipino translation services, for instance, which are quite in for many reasons and a lot of translation agencies offer these.

  1. Say No to long nouns

During translation when connecting elements are omitted and noun strings are without these, readers have to conclude the link and relationship between the words. If a reader has to go through a sentence multiple times, there are higher chances that there could be further confusion and complications which translators could face while making translations to multiple languages. 

The issues could be different in Filipino and totally different in Thai, translators who offer Thai translation services should understand the fact and should follow this tip to avoid the long noun strips to avoid confusion. This practice of not avoiding the long noun strings if not avoided can create misinterpretations and original meaning can be lost or translation can turn to be more than literal.

  1. Use a Single term for a Single concept

Synonyms are a good option to use when required, however, going for a synonym every single time can mess up things. These affect the clarity and consistency of the translation on the whole. In order to deliver professional Thai translation services, it is important that the dialects and glossary which are common among the Thai masses are used and not the synonyms and replacements that people have to think about for interpreting rightly.

Translators often look for different ways of writing one word in order to be more creative and different. This practice, however, doesn’t get well with the consistency of the translation. Moreover, it also reduces the translation memory leverage which can further raise questions on the quality of the translation increasing cost and turnaround time.

  1. Deal with the Humor Carefully

Translating the content for the companies for the process of globalization is a serious deal. Humor could be there in the original text and it needs to be translated with relevancy and equivalency. 

A lot of jargon, metaphors and regional phrases are new to the translators and they fail to translate them the way they should, for the target audiences.  Expressions are also not translated universally and many times they don’t translate and can be skipped if it doesn’t affect the content quality overall.

When it comes to the Korean language and if the humor is an integral part of the translation and important for the Korean audiences to interpret then, translators can consider transcreation services to convey the message to audiences globally. It can be added to the Korean translation services. Transcreation intends to communicate the same message obtaining the same effect, and using the same style and tone as there in the source text.

  1. Be Clear with the International Date Format

There are different document patterns in different regions. The same goes for the style guides in the documents. Documents contain handling of numerical values, measurements of weights, width, height, temperature, phone numbers, and currency which is different in each language pair. Hence, it is important to consider adding these points to professional Korean translation services too.

For instance, 06/02/2022, is it February or June? It depends on the region. In Switzerland, it will be considered February, whereas for the U.S it would be June and it gets reversed in the Korean language.

They write starting with the year, followed by the month, and put the date at the end i.e 2022/02/06. The safest way to note this here is to spell out the name of the month to avoid confusion. Using the abbreviation of the month name is also fine in case of limited space.

Final words

Translating the content differently for a new target audience every time is a real task and achievement. It could get draining at times. Translators put all their efforts to make it a good read for the targeted market. Therefore, to improve the translation process a further a few key points have been shared which can increase the quality of the translation.

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