Happy New Year 2023 – Here’s when and why we celebrate the holiday

Happy New Year 2023

It is the time to count down until New Year practically begins when the previous year’s calendar ends. Every January 1st of the year, people welcome with the New Year with resolutions to make changes and parties that are full of fun.

Why do we celebrate New Year’s Day and what was the origin of the holiday? The current tradition with champagne toasts, midnight kisses, and champagne have not always been how the New Year’s Eve was celebrated.

This is the information you should be aware of about the New Year 2023. You can also find out more about its roots as well as the traditions and celebrations.

When is Happy New Year 2023?

New Year’s Day is Sunday 1 January. 1st 2023. Because it is a Sunday, the day of public celebration for New Year’s Day falls on Monday, January. 2 2023.

When is New Year’s Eve?

New Year’s Eve falls on a December. 31, 2022.

Why does the new year begin on January 1?

The celebrations of the New Year are a long way back to the time of ancient Babylon in Babylon, where the first new moon following the vernal equinox signaled the beginning of a new year. The celebration known as “Akitu” lasted over 11 days and featured unique ritual every day.

The Roman calendar was based on the same format, with the start of each year falling around the vernal equinox comprising the equivalent of 304 days according to History.com. January and Februarius were the months that Januarius Februaryius and Januarius added later thanks to the the king Numa Pompilius.

New Year’s festivities, traditions explained

Modern New Year’s festivities typically start on New Year’s Eve December 31. For the U.S., the tradition of the Times Square ball drop counts until midnight, or the official beginning of the New Year on January 1.

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