Here is your ultimate guide to using recycled timber.


What is recycled timber?

Recycled timber or reclaimed timber are terms used for timber sourced from old wooden structures, broken bridges, railways, and other buildings and structures demolished in the past. With the increase in deforestation in the last century and talks of climate change, suppliers and consumers have started exploring other sustainable resources like recycled and reclaimed timber to build their decks, floors, and even furniture. 

Characteristics of recycled timber.

Recycled timber has regained popularity in the last couple of decades because of its eco-friendly credentials and distinct and unique characteristics. Its rustic and raw appearance makes it an ideal material choice for interior furniture. Recycled timber has a rugged, unique, and traditional feel that adds a touch of history to your home. Each piece of recycled wood comes with its own story that distinguishes one from another. The main characteristics of reclaimed timber are solid knots, intricate grains, and large bolt holes. 

How is timber recycled?

Recycled timber is re-milled from large timber sections pre-dominantly derived from old bridges, wharves, old warehouses, demolished houses, and structures that are up to 100 years old. Wood salvaged during demolition is recycled and turned into something beautiful to use for flooring, decking, cladding, and more. 

You might be thinking that buying recycled timber would be an inexpensive investment. But that is your biggest misconception. The process of recycling wood requires a lot of labour. So, instead of costing less (for being pre-used), it costs as much as new timber, if not more. 

Benefits of using recycled timber.

Because the timber is old, it would have been expanded and contracted over the years and dried out completely. The rich history and ability to withstand adversity make the recycled timber more durable and less prone to wrapping and splitting. One of the main reasons for choosing recycled timber over a new one is to protect the environment. Using timber that is recycled will help curb deforestation and reduce the burden on landfills. 

Wood can release methane gas (a potent greenhouse gas contributing to global warming) if not decomposed completely. Being able to reuse wood by recycling will restrict the volume of wood waste and methane form decomposing wood.