High Ticket Sales Marketing Training

high ticket sales

High ticket sales marketing training can be an effective way to get more business. But there are some downsides to these programs. In this article, I’ll take a look at two high ticket sales marketing training programs: Agency Mavericks and Dan Lok’s ‘high ticket closers’.

Disadvantages of high ticket sales marketing training

High ticket sales are great for increasing your value in the market and generating revenue for individual clients. Mike Killen developed a 6A framework that applies to the high ticket sales funnel. The 6A framework is a process of closing the high ticket sales and ensuring the satisfaction of the client.

High ticket sales are much more difficult to close than low ticket sales. One high-ticket sale generates more revenue than many low-ticket sales. A low-ticket sale requires many more client interactions to match the same revenue as a single high-ticket sale. As a result, it is important to have a low-ticket sales strategy as a supplement to high ticket sales.

Another disadvantage

Another disadvantage of high ticket sales marketing training is the lack of experience and training in the field of sales. The majority of high ticket closers don’t have much sales experience. Therefore, they are at a disadvantage to seasoned independent sales reps. Many High Ticket Closers have discovered that their lack of experience is the main reason for failure.

Dan Lok’s ‘high ticket closers’ program

If you are looking for a program that will teach you how to close high ticket sales, then Dan Lok’s ‘high ticket closer’ program is for you. This program has been designed to teach you the mindset that makes people buy from you. It can be quite expensive, at $2495, but you can take advantage of a payment plan to cover the costs. While you can’t guarantee that you’ll make money with this program, you will learn many valuable tips that will help you be a high ticket closer.


The program also teaches you how to structure win-win deals with clients and prospects. It has 4 key criteria to help you identify the right clients for your business. Each student in the program must attend at least 80% of classes. Once they have reached that milestone, Dan selects a select few students to work with real clients in Week 6 of the course.

High ticket closers are required to have the confidence to overcome rejection. Dan Lok’s program teaches these skills to his students through role-play. This builds up their confidence and helps them visualize themselves making sales. This makes high ticket closers more confident and efficient.

In this program, Dan Lok breaks down the psychology of sales and the psychology of people. He shows you how to use your selling personality in a way that converts more people. You’ll also learn how to find high ticket products that will bring you more sales.

Agency Mavericks high ticket sales marketing program

The Dallas Mavericks are hiring for an experienced Marketing Project Manager. With the team in a four-year, $110 million deal with Brunson, the team is in need of someone who can execute a successful marketing program. The ideal candidate will drive projects and campaigns to achieve goals and meet deadlines within limited resources.

While this type of marketing is a great way to build a long-term, sustainable business model, too many high ticket sales can be detrimental to a company’s growth. For instance, if a company only wants to invest a small portion of its budget into an advertising campaign, it will have to make a large number of small purchases to break even. It will also add to the acquisition costs. But the Agency Mavericks high ticket sales marketing system is not just about acquiring clients; it also puts your agency on the map. Several benefits of this program include a free listing, an exclusive interview, and a dedicated website.

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