How Much Does Electrician Make?


If you’re looking to get into the electrician field, there’s a lot of information out there that’ll help you decide what career path is best for you. Some people choose to start off with a trade school or apprenticeship program, while others jump right into working as an independent contractor. 

Regardless of which route you choose, it’s important to be prepared for the long haul. Once you’ve graduated, you’ll need to work on your skills and knowledge until you’re ready to become a journeyman.

List of the states where electrician get highest salary

The United States has a large population of electricians, and the median annual wage for this occupation was $58,390 in May 2018. Electricians work in a wide range of industries, including manufacturing, construction, and oil and gas extraction. 

The most common duties include installing, maintaining, and repairing electrical systems.

Top-paying states for electricians include:

  • Alaska – $79,190
  • Connecticut – $74,520
  • New York – $70,510
  • Rhode Island – $69,990

How much an electrician earn per hour?

Are you thinking about hiring an electrician to fix your home’s electrical system? You may want to know how much an electrician earns per hour.

How much an electrician earns per hour depends on a few factors. The first factor is the skill level of the electrician. Electricians with higher education and certification earn more than those who don’t.

Second, the electrician’s experience level plays a part. Those with more experience are better able to work on jobs that require more complex techniques and equipment.

Third, the job itself plays a role. The more challenging and complicated a project, the higher the electrician’s hourly wage.

Fourth, the region where the electrician works plays a part. Where the electrician lives has an impact on his or her hourly rate. Electricians in areas with higher demand for electricians earn higher wages.

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), electricians make between $11.82 and $22.62 per hour. On average, electricians earn about $15.54 per hour. The BLS reports that electricians earn a little less than electricians in other fields.

While some electricians work full-time, most work part-time. Part-time electricians typically work less than 40 hours per week and earn between $10.46 and $16.72 per hour.

How much does a master electrician make?

A master electrician is an individual who has gained extensive experience in the field of electrical work. A master electrician is able to install, repair, and maintain any type of electrical system. A master electrician can work in residential, commercial, industrial, or public sectors.

What Skills Do a Master Electrician Need?

A master electrician needs to be well-versed in the following skills:

  • Electrical Code knowledge
  • Communication skills
  • Customer service skills
  • Safety skills
  • Working with tools and equipment
  • Knowledge of wiring diagrams

The minimum amount of education needed for a master electrician varies from state to state. For example, in California a master electrician must have earned a four-year degree or its equivalent. 

In some states, a high school diploma and a two-year apprenticeship is all that is required.

The job outlook for master electricians is expected to remain steady for the next 10 years. Many people are beginning to realize the advantages of hiring a professional electrician to do their electrical work.

How much does a service electrician make?

You can hire a service electrician for a range of tasks, including electrical installation, maintenance and repair, and safety checks.

The job description and pay for these positions vary widely depending on the type of work you need done and the state you are in.

You should always get a written estimate before hiring a service electrician, so you can compare prices and work quality.

The average annual salary for an electrician is $45,000, according to, but the pay scale varies widely depending on experience and the number of years you have been working.

How much do low voltage electrician make?

Low voltage electrical mechanics can make anywhere between $19,000-$33,000 per year. This includes the salary of the employee, the equipment needed, and the time spent working.


In conclusion, you need to be aware of all the things that could go wrong. Don’t just rely on your gut feeling. Make sure that you know what you’re doing before you start. 

There are many different types of jobs out there. You might want to consider starting a business in the field that you’re interested in.