How to Get True Fans with Facebook Video Retargeting?

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Being a small business owner, entrepreneur, and marketer, you don’t need millions of followers to succeed in your business. Instead, you require a small population of faithful fans to grow higher in your sphere.

A true fan of a business! Who’s that?

These are the people who eagerly await your new product launch and readily purchase whatever you create. These people are an asset to any business as they assure future sales and become a potent marketing source.

However, how to transform people into true fans?

Well, that’s a huge process, and that takes a long time. But, yes, people become a true fan of a brand, sports team, and actors when exposed to it and find value in what you are offering. 

Facebook Advertising Platform

As mentioned earlier, for people to become a true fan of your brand, you must be seen by them many times; This means that you have to boost your business on a platform your target audience visits often.

Facebook is a powerful advertising platform as the average smartphone users check their Facebook app more than ten times a day. So that’s incredibly high, right?

Unlike video retargeting, the ability to specifically target the audience with the engaging ad is well appreciated. However, when video retargeting is implemented correctly, it is highly effective.  

Remember, putting yourself or your brand in front of people repeatedly doesn’t imply that people would become your true fans. Conversely, you might even end up annoying them with your repeated appearance in front of them if you fail to deploy an appropriate strategy. 

To succeed in the idea of turning your target audience into a fan, you must often connect with prospects and offer them values significant to them; You can achieve this by running campaigns in a particular way.

Video format ad is a savior. With this format content, it’s so easy to connect with your prospects and provide genuine value to them. You might have noticed that the most effective video content either entertains or educates. Based on your product and the target audience, you will have to select the content type that communicates your message to the target segment you wish to attract.

Cold Audiences

Do you think every business owner has an extensive prospect list or thousands of website visitors every month?

Not really!

In such a case, you may search an email address with email search tools like For this, you should have a clear idea of who is your target audience. 

Apart from this, you have numerous targeting options on Facebook, which is great for marketers. And to be benefited from this approach, I suggest you use Facebook’s Audience Insights tool. You can access this tool from your Facebook ad account.

With the Audience Insight Tool, you know the basic demographic information of your existing audience. With these details in hand, you can find people similar to the current followers.

Launch Facebook Video Ad Campaign

When you have successfully built a true fan, it’s time to create your Facebook ad campaign. Again, you may incorporate A/B testing to find what works best.