Rogue 5e Guide

Rogue 5e

Rogue 5e Character Guide-up to level 10

Rogue 5e is not the only option for Rogues anymore. There are many other choices for Rogues that are considered a step up from the Rogue. Some of these choices are the Combatant Rogue and the Spiritmaster Rogue. We will take a closer look at each one.

Combatant Rogue:

The Combatant Rogue gets bonuses for everything that they do. Every point in this path grants them a bonus. These bonuses include their expertise, which grants them more damage and hit points per level, their speed and movement, vitality, defense, and stealth. This is in addition to gaining expertise with all one-handed and two-handed weapons, every other weapon type grants some amount of damage reduction and attack power. All Rogues can soulknife as well, but not every class can soulknife.

The Combatant Rogue starts off with a long rest and three quick kills using flurry as a combo. With this setup, you should be able to keep on top of your opponent using stealth and psionic energy dice to take out their health. You want to make sure that you are able to get a couple of criticals on them as well to keep them from casting their spells. The ability to sneak attack them also helps out greatly. Once you reach level 17, you are able to take advantage of the extra move action and attack action that your Rogue has and use it to kill them quick.

Little known tricks and attacks:

A little-known trick with the Cleric 5e is that they have a chance to roll a dm by spending one action and taking half damage. When the Rogue uses in their sneak attack they will automatically roll a dm instead of a normal dm roll. If the opponent doesn’t have any attacks that turn they will have to take half damage for each attack they make. This can help the Rogue take down an opponent quite easily.

Fifth specialization:

The fifth specialization would be the Martial Artist. This class focuses more on hand-to-hand combat than anything else. If your combat style is fighting with your legs then this might be the class for you. With this Rogues Cantrip, they gain extra damage dice for every leg attack that they land. In addition to gaining dm3 dice, the Martial Artist also allows for free attacks as long as they are standing still.

Sixth specialization:

The sixth specialization is the Tower Knight. These Rogues gain a damage buff instead of healing. Because of this, they gain an advantage in combat over other party members. When using their sneak attack to hit the opponents they do so with a -2.5 bonus. This allows them to deal out some real damage. When leveling this class you want to use all of the advantages that you have so that you can level up quickly.

Last specialization:

The last specialization would be the inquisitive 5e guide has four different combat abilities that should be used often. The first ability increases your chance to hit when you are not standing within ten feet of an opponent. The second allows you to move across the battlefield faster when moving to get at an enemy or to get behind them. Finally, you have a free attack that allows you to deal out some extra damage.

Rogue can be a great choice:

The Rogue can be a great choice because it has many different options. It can stealth, use guns, have a powerful melee weapon, and use a variety of others depending on which path you take. One of the abilities that you can take advantage of is blindsense. This allows you to move in between groups of opponents while remaining unaware of what they are doing. Using the blind sense allows you to move around undetected which is important in PvP and WvW.


The Rogue 5e is a popular choice because it has some reliable talents and very good proficiencies. If you are going to go Rogue then I recommend taking all of the proficiencies starting with the one in every tree. There are other proficiencies you can take but the ones listed here are the most useful. You can skip all proficiencies that only serve one purpose and take all of the rogue talents that will serve two purposes.