13 Reasons Why You Should Travel: Ignite Your Travel Dreams

13 Reasons Why You Should Travel

We all wish to travel but few succeed and others need a little push. Here are our 13 Reasons Why You Should Travel serving you as your drive to explore.

They say traveling is like getting a new pair of eyes. Confusing right? It is because your perception of the world changes the more you travel.

This world is massive. Our earth’s circumference is 40,075 km so why would you prefer staying in your comfort zone of a few kilometers? Wouldn’t you want to take a look at what the other side of the world looks like? We are so used to our comfort even though our daily routine is so mundane. No matter how stressed our routine life, it’s comfortable because you don’t have to step out of that comfort bubble. But we forget that traveling makes us happier no matter how tough the journey is. At the end of the climb, there is always our feeling of achievement embracing us.

So, if you’re looking for a sign from the universe to go travel. This is it! Read our 13 reasons why you travel and make your plans turn into action.

1. Pop your comfort bubble

I know that comfort is so good. After a hectic day of work, relaxing with your phone on your bed is the best feeling. Come to think of it, what are we learning? Get up early in the morning; go to work and come back home. There aren’t any lessons you’re gaining or any hurdles you’re accomplishing. Don’t you wish you could talk about how some traveler you met shared with you his life struggles? Or how you had to overcome a situation you could never in your mundane life. Traveling makes you step out of your comfort bubble. It makes you realize that the bubble shouldn’t have existed in the first place. So, go ahead and pop it!

2. Adventure

Adventure is everywhere if you look for it. But for this, you need to convince yourself to never give up. Let’s say you want to explore the mountains of Nepal. The climb is long and tiring, and it may get complicated at times. But, the greatest of views comes after a long journey. If you wish to get a taste of the adventurous routes of Annapurna Base Camp, or Everest Base Camp, make up your mindset. You need to know which exploration you want and go for it. If you’re up for traveling you can’t second doubt it. You need to opt for it because if you don’t who will and if not now, when?

3. Gain some me-time

It is inevitable to feel like you’re draining yourself out sometimes. Your work hours may seem to drag your energy. Communicating with people when your emotions are unstable, it makes it worse. You tend to forget that it isn’t about your career. It is about how you prepare yourself for your future. But when you take yourself to travel, you’ll understand your strengths and weaknesses. You understand how important you’re wellbeing is. Traveling time and again keeps you sane. It is a break from the hectic world and an escape to the serenity with only you. So, take your sweet time to heal and gradually grow into a better individual. Me time is the best time.

4. You’re in charge

You are independent in your daily life with your chores and your career. But this is where you spend all your life in. There is nothing new; you’re accustomed to it since birth. Hence, you’re not evolving. Traveling in a new destination makes you take decisions you never had to. You’ll face new instances urging you to think differently and make strange choices. And the best part is that it is all up to you. No one will be lecturing about the right or wrong. Everything depends on you. You’re the leader.

5. Open doors to new perspectives

Some situations make our minds search for new ideas. This rarely happens when we are living an accustomed life. Routine life equals to the same problems with similar solutions. In this wide world, our life isn’t made for using the same alternatives. We need to think new every day and live a distinct life. Why adjust to the same old ideas when our mind is so talented? Go outside and take a look, with new places come to new lessons. Everything you thought you understood has a deeper meaning. Knock Knock!

6. Real-life social network

You have thousands of Facebook friends and hundreds of followers on Instagram. But be honest, how many do you talk to? How many of them ask you about your day? They are solely your acquaintances. Your friends on Facebook merely don’t have a deeper connection with you. People you meet while traveling holds the same purpose as you, explore the world and oneself. Getting to know one another’s real-life stories builds real-life bonding. This bond isn’t for stories on your Instagram, but the story of your lifetime.

7. Unity in diversity

There 195 countries in the world with more than 7 billion population. In Nepal itself, there are more than 125 ethnic groups. Can you imagine the number of diverse people living here? And isn’t it sad that you only have friends of your own country. Wouldn’t it be amazing to have friends from a different country and experience their culture? In this diverse world, it is a pity if you consider the talks of the media as the ultimate truth. You ought to find the truth yourself. Get unified with the new cultures and religions. Learn how Nepalese worship a living goddess. This is your start! Go get unified with the diverse earth.

8. Indulge yourself in new flavors

We all love trying new foods. Exploring new cuisines has become a trend these days. It ought to be because the food sector is dynamic, it is evolving. Let’s take the example of sushi. We all love sushi. But the real authentic taste of sushi is only experienced in Japan. People recreate cuisine and use their creativity. And that is beautiful but sometimes authenticity is the best. And to get the genuine taste of your favorite food, why not go and visit the country yourself?

9. Learn a new language

Nepal has more than 125 ethnic groups and do you know they all have their language. Most Nepalese are bilingual as we speak Nepali, English plus our ethnic language. But, why are you content with speaking one language? Learn new languages because to use street words of different languages is fun. Travel different cities and create a bond with your friend aka your language teacher. What better way than to learn the language than with the locals themselves? This is great to learn about new cultures and get an insight into their local lifestyle.

10. Memories of a lifetime

As you move along to explore the world, you’ll encounter several situations tough and easy. It is always the hardest decision you make that give you the best outcomes. Traveling is one of your decisions you need to make because the result is beautiful. When you pack your bags for your trip and go for it, this enthusiasm leads towards better days. Sometimes situations may arise where you might drop to your worst. But you believe to not give up. And when you look back at those days, what do you see? I see a person with confidence and will power to touch the sky. These memories last a lifetime and give you the same passion time and again.

11. You get stronger

Let’s say you’re planning your trip to the Everest Base Camp. You book your trip even though the constant hesitation and anxiety. This initiates your journey to being a headstrong person. The trekking destinations are tough and the journey is tiring, yet you strive through. All the days of a long hike lead you to your destination. Finally, everything makes sense. Watching the sunlit Mt Everest is a dream turning to reality. You realize that you needed the confidence to achieve anything your heart desires. You succeeded to conquer the mountains because you’re a headstrong person. You get strong enough to believe nothing in this world can bring you down.

12. Traveling is a better investment

You work every day, earn money to build a brighter future. In a sense, yes this is what the society expects from us. But what if we invest our hard-earned money in a better platform? People have a conception that investment means funds. It is more than funds because it is learning, knowledge, and realizations. All the hard work and confidence make you a strong individual to tackle difficulties. It isn’t about how much you have in your bank but your potential to create a stable future. All your traveling days make you physically and psychologically stable. When your health and mindset is at its peak, a ho hurricane will stop you to achieve your dream. What better investment than on yourself?

13. Relaxing and rejuvenating

Traveling is your time to relax and rejuvenate. Leave all your worries at home because you don’t need them on your vacation. All you need is a little bit of adventure, a spark of excitement, and a little bit of fun. Mix them all and spend your time enjoying nature. Traveling is your medicine to all the problems in your life. Sometimes our life can bring us a lot of depressing situations. Tending to a lot of difficult instances can make us lethal. The remedy is to take a vacation to rejuvenate and get your energy back.

Now having read the 13 reasons why you should travel, have you made up your mind? Understandably, life gets busy at times. But it is also necessary to realize what our soul is seeking. Sometimes we trap ourselves in our comfort bubble that we fail to see the other side of happiness. A comfortable life is fine until it starts to be a routine. So, time and again you should indulge in a gateway to refresh yourself. Traveling works as a recharger to your mind and body. When your body is at its low, you need to make sure to balance it out. So, keep your work and exploration side by side. They say moderation is the key and it is true. Work hard and travel hard. Keep them in moderation and live a happy life. Don’t settle for it.

Do you want to take a break and enjoy what life has to offer? Let’s plan an adventure together. Contact at Nepal Hiking Team for creating a lifetime experience.