You Can Teach Your Audience All About Vibrating Teeth These 3 Brilliant Ways


The truth is, not many people know what a vibrating tooth really is. It’s one of those devices that you see in the news every now and then, but never really pay much attention to. And since it’s not something that most people have experience with, you might be wondering how you can incorporate knowledge about them into your blog posts. Well, we have 5 brilliant ways that you can do just that!

1) Introduce them and explain what they do: A vibrating tooth is a device created to help people who suffer from bruxism. This occurs when the person grinds their teeth and clenches their jaw while they sleep. Bruxism is known to cause dentin irritation and erosion of the teeth, which can lead to periodontal disease. Fortunately, this can be remedied with an oral appliance called a vibrating tooth.

A vibrating tooth, for those who don’t already know, is an oral appliance that has some kind of motor at its base. When the mouth starts moving again in a grinding or clenching motion, the motor causes it to turn on and off quickly. This causes the jaw muscle to contract and relax back into the dental arch more slowly and evenly than it would without the device.

2) Explain how it works and what benefits it has: Like we mentioned above, the main benefit of a vibrating tooth is that it helps to prevent bruxism in your patients by slowing down the grinding and clenching motions and keeping them from moving so quickly. That means that they’ll be less likely to cause damage to their teeth. Another benefit is that it can help with periodontal disease, since bruxism causes teeth to become loose and fall out due to inflammation and irritation. The result of this is the formation of alveolar bone tissue, which can lead to tooth loss. So, the device can be very useful for preventing tooth loss!

3) Talk about when you should use them: This depends on a variety of factors. Bruxism affects between 30-40% of adults, so it’s important to always do some research before you purchase one. You might come across reviews that talk about how well the device works or some information on how it can help with other things such as snoring and sleep apnea. Another way to determine whether your patients should use a vibrating tooth is if they’re grinding their teeth or clenching their jaw while they sleep.

Taking The Stress Out Of Vibrating Teeth

Many people live with a condition called “vibrating teeth” or “teeth grinding” without even knowing it. They may wake up in the morning with an aching jaw, worn-down tooth enamel, or sore muscles and joints from their unconscious habit of grinding their teeth during sleep. These night-time grinders are unaware that they are clenching and releasing their bite position 100 to 300 times per hour while they sleep. To help you catch this bad habit before it becomes chronic and expensive, we will discuss what causes the condition and what you can do to treat it.

Frequently, people who grind their teeth at night are anxious or under stress. They may be grinding their teeth as a way of dealing with emotional problems. The clenching and grinding are unconscious habits that happen in the middle of the night when we are in a virtually dreamless sleep state. Some studies suggest that we grind our teeth to relieve stress, while other studies claim that we grind our teeth to stimulate the jaw joint and keep it loose.

The most common cause of “grinding” is excessive clenching or tension within the jaw joint, which is connected to muscles in the temple area of the face called masseter muscles. This muscle flexing tends to occur when there is chronic stress or emotional pressure on an individual. A form of this type of grinding is considered orthodontic problems, but the amount of grinding involved with this type of grinding is far smaller than the amount of grinding that’s involved in our “night time” habits.

Understanding the Cause

The jaw joint has a cylinder shape with two cylinders, one on top, and one on bottom. When a person clenches his or her jaw (tenses the muscles of mastication), the top cylinder also moves forward by as much as 3 mm or more, thereby lifting up on the bottom cylinder. This is called “closing your bite” or “tightening your bite.” During sleeping hours you are sleeping in an almost totally relaxed position during which your bite remains open and not clenched. However, when you begin to grind your teeth, the top jaw cylinder moves forward and bites down on the bottom cylinder at a point slightly ahead of where it would normally rest, causing an audible “click” sound. This is called “clenching,” or an increase in the bite force just before it contacts the top jaw. The louder the “click” sound when this happens, the more likely your are to grind or clench at night.

Vibrating Teeth – Why They Are Not A Bad Sign

If you are grinding your teeth in your sleep then don’t worry about it because most people do so unconsciously.most people who have had to visit a dentist in the past may have been told that if their teeth are vibrating, it is a sign of severe dental problems. What many people don’t know, however, is that the vibration of the teeth is actually from chewing food. There are many other reasons for this vibrating sensation such as grinding your teeth at night or something you might have eaten.

In fact, one study from 2009 showed that only about one percent of patients with intense tooth vibrations had found out there was a more serious underlying tooth condition like an abscessed root canal or gum disease.

Vibrating teeth seen in dentists offices can be a sign of different things. One of the most potential problems is tetanus, an infection that is caused by bacteria entering the body through a wound. This infection can sometimes begin in your teeth and may cause excessive tooth vibration, which might result in temporary hearing loss as well.

Another potential problem that could be causing your teeth to vibrate is tardive dyskinesia, a neurological disease which may cause uncontrollable movements such as lip smacking, tongue protrusion and uncontrolled eye movement.

In some cases you might not know why you are experiencing this happening to your teeth. You could be experiencing a problem in the jaw mechanism that is causing teeth to vibrate. Sometimes this is caused by severe arthritis, which may cause gum swelling or even muscle spasms and damage. This can result in your jaw being restricted and make it more difficult for the teeth to move properly, causing them to vibrate slightly.

Sometimes your jaw can vibrate for no reason at all. Tooth decay, gum disease and cysts can cause the gums to swell out of control which can sometimes lead to craniofacial pain or reduced mobility of your face (severe cases), as well as increased tooth chatter which can cause vibrations on your teeth.

Other reasons for seeing vibrations of your teeth could be an ear infection that has also gotten into your jaw, which can cause jaw movement. This is also due to irritation and inflammation in the middle ear, which causes the jaw to move in order to protect the eardrum.

One serious problem that can cause vibrations is nerve damage from a traumatic injury or disease process. When there is some sort of trauma on your face such as a car accident, it can cause damage to your nerves as well as possible brain damage or cardiac problems. It’s important that you consult with a dentist if you are experiencing any of these kinds of problems.