How to Generate Sales Leads in Your Small Business

content for people

Many businesses may have grand visions, like improving the livelihood of the people and promoting sustainability. Probably every startup was born out of big ambitions. However, dreams will only stay dreams if your business doesn’t grow and generate revenue. 

One way to increase sales is to make sure that the company gets a steady stream of leads. A lead is a person or organization that is interested in your product or service and will potentially buy it. For example, a person who registers for your free trial or fills in a subscription form on your website. 

In this article, you’ll learn ten ways to generate leads for your small business and increase revenue steadily. 

1. Increase Visibility Through Your Domain Name

To generate leads online, make sure your website is easy to access online. One method to do so is to include a keyword in your domain name. For example, if your brand name is Golden and you sell cupcakes, would be a great option. 

Also, if your customer base is in a specific area, consider using a country code top-level domain (ccTLD), like .fr or .uk. Google tends to rank these sites higher than general TLDs, like .com or .net. So using the same example, you can go with   

2. Identify the Target Audience

Understanding your target audience helps create effective marketing campaigns and communication. If you know their characteristics and needs, you’ll understand what kind of content will resonate with them. 

Start with using tools like Instagram Insights and Google Analytics when you have existing customers. These tools will generate essential insights, like your audiences’ ages, genders, and interests.

To get a deeper understanding, consider conducting a market survey. Tools such as Typeform and ZohoSurvey can help gather the answers which you can analyze.  

3. Create a Sales Funnel

The sales funnel consists of steps that a visitor takes to become a customer. 

One of the most popular sales funnels is the AIDA model:

  • Awareness. Someone becomes aware of your brand through your ads or content. 
  • Interest. The person learns more about your business. At this stage, make them well-informed by writing detailed product pages or sending personalized emails. 
  • Desire. The person is ready to buy but still has some doubts. Show that you’re their best option by providing free shipping or bonus products. 
  • Action. The person buys your product or service. However, your effort doesn’t end here. Consider sending them a thank-you note for the purchase or encouraging them to write a review. 

4. Improve Website Quality with SEO

With a properly optimized website, you may show up on the top search results when people look for something related to your business. Ranking higher can attract more traffic and leads as the first organic result on Google is 10x more likely to get a click.

Several practices of SEO are:

  • Including relevant keywords in the content, titles, images, and meta descriptions. 
  • Optimizing the content by providing unique, valuable, and easy-to-read text. 
  • Organizing site hierarchy. 
  • Making your site mobile-friendly. 

5. Drive Traffic with Content

Each visitor on your website can be a sales opportunity. So the more traffic you receive, the more sales you may get. One way to attract visitors is to create relevant content on your website.

First, make sure you write content for people. Meaning, the content is interesting and easy to understand because you’re using headings and visuals. The text is also not stuffed with keywords. 

Also, use compelling headlines to persuade people to click. Try to include numbers as they trigger sensory elements, like 30 Days to a Flatter Stomach or Summer 2021 Fashion Trends

6. Guest Post to Other Websites

Guest posting to similar blogs in the industry can encourage people to visit your website. Getting backlinks from other websites also helps boost your SEO. 

To find guest posting opportunities, type your keyword or niche + “write for us” on Google. It will show relevant sites that accept guest posts.