Professional coaching is an attractive and thriving profession. ICF accredited coaches are sought after world over. There are many ICF certified programs to choose from depending on the skills and aspirations of the individuals. MCC or Master Certified Coach training program is the highest-level of Coach Certification awarded by the ICF- a world class program. MCC credentialed coaches work at the highest level of engagement with their clients.

Understanding MCC coaching

MCC training program is for coaches who want to work at the highest potential with their clients. Thus, the program is designed with the highest standards and rules of ICF.

MCC credentialed coaches are highly skilled coaches who already have extensive coaching experience. They have worked in the field of coaching and have helped their clients solve problems and build trust. With the MCC accreditation, they look at moving from solving day to day issues to working on the how of their client. A Master Coach works at deeper levels to help their clients make deeper changes and embrace their personality. Their bond with the clients is strong, trustworthy and genuine. They work with their clients to realize unmapped potential

The path to MCC certification is one of self-discovery and self-exploration. The MCC course connects potential coaches with themselves, ensuring that they are connected with their deeper selves. This self-knowledge in turn allows them to make deeper connects with their clients and makes them an expert in their craft. Master Coaches are great listeners, are not judgemental or biased. They do not presume any situation and try to analyse any context fairly.

MCC coaching program details

The MCC coaching program can be online or offline. Online classes can be attended from any corner of the world. It is a perfect pathway for gaining ICF Master Coaching Credentials. The course curriculum includes classroom discussions, supervised sessions, peer interactions, practice live sessions, assignments and evaluations.

Practicing coaches can join MCC training program after the completion of pathway courses with Professional Certified Coach (PCC) credentials. MCC coach training is a training program along with mentoring. Coaches in order to complete this certification should attain 2500 hours of recorded coach practice with at least 35 live clients.

Benefits of Master Certified Coaching Program

  • MCC certification pathway takes one on a journey of self-exploration
  • The course challenges the potential MCC coaches to understand themselves fully so that they can use this knowledge to benefit their clients.  
  • The course delves deeper into discovering the ‘Who’ of the client rather than just focusing on the ‘What’.
  • The course helps potential Master Coaches to work at deeper levels with their clients to bring about long-term changes in behaviour. This allows the Master Coach to work meticulously with the clients to unlock their highest potential.

Why should you enrol for the MCC Coaching Program?

  • The Highest Level of Coaching Credentials –MCC is the ‘final and highest’ level of coach training credentials that professionals can opt for after the completion of PCC credentials. The course enables potential Master Coaches to become an ‘all-rounder’ Coach. The Master Coach truly works as a master to bring about change in their clients lives.
  • With the help of good teachers, classroom teaching, peer interactions and practice client sessions, the MCC Training helps potential Master Coaches to know themselves and discover their hidden strengths. Thus, this training can also be a called a journey of self-discovery.
  • Through virtual live classes, participants get the opportunity to work with other coaching trainees across the world, belonging to different cultures.
  • Training for an MCC certification enables Master Coaches to work at deeper levels with their clients. It also allows them to work on the ‘Who’ i.e. the personality of their client rather than on the ‘What’ – which is the immediate problem troubling the client.
  • Master Coach Certification provides the coaches mentored practicing hours for better understanding of themselves and for self-observation of their own coaching style. On completion, the participants ‘level up’ from Professional Certified Coach to Master Certified coach. An MCC credential, completes a coach’s journey by establishes them as a coach of repute and experience.  
  • Equipped with experiential theory and live assignments, Master Certified Coaches are well-versed with all coaching tools with which they help their clients to reach their ultimate potential. MCC program teaches coaches to create real and trustworthy connections with their clients.
  • The MCC training program also allows already adept coaches to concentrate on their intuitive dexterity focusing on being fully present with the clients and on their combined conversations. This builds deeper connections and enables long lasting changes to take pace through connection and trust.
  • MCC coaches also acquire extraordinary intuition for understanding the emotional needs of their clients. They work as catalysts for bringing positive changes in a client’s life and help them utilise their full potential.
  • On enrolment in MCC coaching, trainees get introduced to a vast database of ICF credited coach training materials. The study files and coaching resources are life-long accessible to the Master Coaches.
  • MCC accredited coaches can start their own coaching practice or join any corporate as life coaches, career coaches or executive coaches.

Avail MCC certification today.