Which is better between Talkspace and Betterhelp Online Counselling?

Therapies That Work Best For Depression

It’s a well-known fact that numerous Americans battle with mental health issues. The American Psychiatric Association (APA) gauges that 1 out of 6 individuals are encountering some or other type of mental illness. It can be anxiety, depression, panic attacks, insomnia, stress or other mental health related issues. There are in excess of 30 million individuals who are experiencing anxiety and depression related mental health issues. Many of these can be caused by their working environment.

Online treatment has recently become a convincing alternative, especially in a post-Coronavirus world. People have suffered a lot due to COVID-19 pandemic outbreak, illness, job loss, economic breakdown, running out of businesses, loss of loved ones, isolation, lockdowns, or social distancing. Online counselling companies like BetterHelp and TalkSpace have supported and developed as the two greatest online therapy providers.

Their contributions are quite comparable. In any case, they represent considerable authority in various user dependent therapy techniques like (video chat, SMS, live chat), etc. So, before settling on a choice, read out this article that highlights major difference between BetterHelp and Talkspace.

It’s normal to pay upwards of $200 per session, a few times each month. BetterHelp and Talkspace are more reasonable than in-person care. The two alternatives work on a membership plan, which you can drop whenever.

There are no restrictions with BetterHelp. You can talk and video chat with your online specialist as frequently as you need. Talkspace offers boundless content, video, and audio messages, yet you pay for each live therapy sessions. Talkspace offers more features and highlights added services but also charges on a higher note.

Finding an Online Therapist

Telemedicine has ignited its frequency over the previous decade. This form of treatment ensures that those who need it the most can get the healthcare treatment they need. Today, authorized therapists are just a tap or click away. This availability has various advantages.

Also ReadHow to Help Kids to Overcome Anxiety in Covid-19 Lockdown

Consider This Before Finding an Online Therapist

Before people start seeking out professionals, there are several things that they should consider, as this could save them time and money on these healthcare services and still ensure that they are looking out for themselves.

The Reason for Needing Counseling

Of course, many people who need to talk won’t realize what is at the core of their feelings and emotions until they are talking to a therapist, but if they can understand why they need help, it can be beneficial for them during sessions. It might even help them avoid the need to go to a therapist in the first place. For instance, taking a moment to think about your mental health and what is going on in your life could result in some changes that leave a positive lasting impact. Take the following example; you may notice that work is impacting your mental health, and so changing roles or companies could make a lot of difference. Make this change and see what this does for you, and if after changing roles you still feel the same after changing roles, then seeking help is important.

Being able to avoid needing to go to a counselor regardless of whether this is in-person or online is the hope for many because it means the change made a positive difference. Therapy can come as a result of already trying to make changes in your life to no avail.

Permits & Licenses

Proper authorization validates authenticity. This authenticity secures customers. It guarantees the supplier has suitable training and ability to calm your mental illness. You ought to consistently ask about your therapist’s licensing. Most online therapy stages trained analysts, authorized proficient counsellors, authorized clinical social workers, and authorized marriage and family advisors. Both BetterHelp and Talkspace are licensed to offer online therapy platform.

Classified Therapy

All therapists must stick to user privacy laws. These principles are applied on both face-to-face and online sessions. Ensure your online therapist works while adhering HIPAA-compliant policies. You can generally ask about their privacy measures. Both BetterHelp and Talkspace are HIPAA secure and compliant.

Cost Effective

Obviously, treatment cost should well fit in your pocket. Like everything in American medicinal services, treatment isn’t that cost effective. In a region where everything is cost effective, these services are also reasonable if you consider face-to-face therapy. Consider comparing both types of services and look for the best available options that suits your budget. These sessions may go for months of regular sessions so choose wisely.

Better Help Features:

  • Connect with therapists through live chat, video call, or phone calls or SMS
  • Mobile and Desktop applications for on the go sessions
  • 6,000+ authorized online therapists available on board
  • Committed therapy sessions for kids, teens, youngsters, and couples

Better Help Pros and Cons

Here are some of the noticeable advantages and drawbacks to think about before going with BetterHelp subscription.


  • Boundless messages and calls with their unlimited plans
  • Connect with any device like your cell phone, PC, Tablet, or Laptops
  • Switch between therapists at whatever point you need
  • Reviewed and trusted by 1,000+ individuals on Trustpilot platform


  • Slow ticket-based CRM for customer service
  • The YouTube and BetterHelp argument of 2018

TalkSpace Features

  • Boundless messaging and 4 x 30-minute live meetings a month (best arrangement)
  • 3,000+ authorized and licensed therapists
  • Services offered to people above 13 or elder people
  • Explicit stress management programs for all age

TalkSpace Pros and Cons

TalkSpace might not have the same number of offerings as BetterHelp, however that doesn’t really aggravate it for you.


  • Sensible therapy sessions and stipends with the plans
  • Access to past discussions and sessions even after suspension of services
  • Therapists expertise on CBT, Psychodynamic treatment, and more
  • Never caught up in outrages or controversies like BetterHelp!


  • Can’t video chat through PCs or Laptops
  • You don’t have option to pick your therapist yourself

Is Online Therapy Session Recommended?

BetterHelp and Talkspace are two of the greatest and most well-known online therapy and counselling services. Talkspace offers a comparable exhibit of administrations however underlines messaging over live sessions.

Most specialists, and the online therapy providers themselves, don’t suggest online therapy for individuals with extreme mental health conditions or side effects. We suggest looking for a nearby face-to-face therapy session or in-person meetings on the off chance when you need additional help, care and support.

Like anything, it varies from person to person, and although you may not be recommended online therapy from general sources, just like the above states, it could be just what you need. You may be anxious about meeting someone face to face and prefer to keep at home, or vice versa. The important thing when knowing whether online therapy is the right thing for you is to talk to your doctor.

Can you help others get the help they need?

It may not be you who needs the help, but you may have a loved one or know someone who does need the help of online therapy. You might not even know anyone, but be keen to make a bigger difference for as many people as possible. So what can you do to help?

Be Supportive

Being supportive is the best way to help many. When someone goes to a counselor, it is likely going to be an emotional time, so whether you are a friend, family member, or employer, make sure to be as supportive as you can.

Reach out to others

It is a delicate subject to broach with many, so do be careful, but reaching out to others can ensure that they get the help they need. They may not be aware that they need this help or may be afraid to admit it.

Become an industry leader

You may wonder how this can help others, but this is a great avenue to make big changes to individual lives in your business and industry. When you have a voice and good standing with people above you, you are more likely to bring about change that could make a huge difference to the mental well-being of so many. Take, for instance, the healthcare industry itself. This can be very demanding on all the staff working here, and when staff are pushed to the limits, physically and mentally, it can lead to many leaving the industry. It is vital that the hospitals and clinics retain their staff members to ensure they can continue offering healthcare services to so many, but they cannot hope to do this without taking care of their staff. Therefore, change needs to take place. More mental healthcare support needs to be in place for staff members, and changes need to occur to ensure burnout doesn’t occur in all staff members. If you want to ensure that you are part of why this comes into action, you need to become an industry leader. There are courses that can prepare you to take on leadership roles in nursing, and many of these course providers will provide in-depth guides on what you can expect from it as well as how to achieve a role. As a nurse leader, you can have a voice for all the nurses part of your team to prioritize their mental health and ensure that they don’t need therapy or want to leave the industry.

Of course, with support, therapy can be a great support mechanism for nurses to lean on when they need it. As a leader, you could drive the importance of offering these services to your nurses free of charge. By not being concerned about the cost of therapy themselves, they can get the help they need.

Be patient

You must remain patient when talking to anyone that is having online therapy. You cannot expect them to open up to you or feel better after just one session. You need to remember that this is their journey to take, and it might be a long one. They may want to talk it through with you after; they may not. It will completely depend on how ready they feel talking to someone else. Some may be too mentally exhausted to revisit the same conversation they had with their therapist, so don’t push them to discuss anything. If they want to, they will come to of their own free will.

Get Some Support for yourself too

Providing support for someone in therapy can eventually take its toll on a person, and without your own support system, you could find yourself breaking down. So consider reaching out to a therapist yourself to discuss how you are feeling is the supportive network for your loved one. Also, make sure you have a solid network of friends and family.

BetterHelp vs Talkspace Pricing

Plans are based on the recurrence restoration. You pay less for long term BetterHelp membership plans (Month on month membership renewals are more reasonable than week after week renewals).

  • week after week: $80/week
  • month on month: $260/month — comes out to $65/week
  • 4x/year: $540/quarter – comes out to $45/week
  • every year: $1,820/year – comes out to $35/week

All plans with BetterHelp incorporate boundless text, live text, phone, and video sessions.

Talkspace Plans

All Talkspace plans are charged month to month. Their structure depends on the count of live sessions you attend with the therapists every month.

  • Boundless Messaging Therapy Plus – $49/week (charged as $196 month to month). Incorporates text, video and audio messages
  • Boundless Messaging Therapy Premium – $59/week (charged as $236 month to month). Incorporates text, video and audio sessions + 1 Live Session/month
  • LiveTalk Therapy Ultimate – $79/week (charged as $316 month to month). Incorporates unlimited text, video and audio sessions + 4 Live Sessions/month

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BetterHelp offers more live sessions than Talkspace.

All BetterHelp plans incorporate boundless live messaging and phone sessions.

Talkspace only offers live meeting sessions with superior plans starting from 1 to 4 sessions a month.

BetterHelp doesn’t bound you for long term commitments, you can start for a weekly enrolment.

plans are billed on a monthly basis and time bounded.

It has the most reasonable choice, at $49/week.

Whether someone chooses an online therapist from one of these two organizations or chooses to go elsewhere, the most important thing is that they are reaching out for the help they need.